How accurate does work start date need to be on I-129, change of employer


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Currently on TN for company A, switching employment to TN on company B through I-129 in the mail.

TN for company A is still good for another 4 weeks, I-129 is being mailed now.

Can start date for company B be now, same day it is mailed? .. or does it need to be some reasonable date in the future to expect the application to have been approved first? Is this where 240 days is applicable?

If start date for company B is now, and I-129 is mailed now but after the application is mailed I continue to work for company A for a couple more weeks, is that OK? What if I continue to work for company A for a few more weeks and also don't start with company B for another few weeks even though the start date for company B was now on the I-129. Afer the I-129 is mailed I should still be in possession of a valid TN for company A so don't see why there would be a problem continuing to do work for them in some capacity until the TN runs out after 4 weeks.

Can start date for company B be now, same day it is mailed? .. or does it need to be some reasonable date in the future to expect the application to have been approved first? Is this where 240 days is applicable?

-- Start date can be any; now or any reasonable date. You cannot work for the new employer before your TN is approved. The 240 days period is applicable only when you are renewing your TN for the existing employer. Since you are applying for a new TN for a new employer, it is not applicable to you.

If start date for company B is now, and I-129 is mailed now but after the application is mailed I continue to work for company A for a couple more weeks, is that OK?

-- Yes.
You can continue to work atcoampny as long as your I-94 is still valid -- even sfter your 2nd TN is approved -- but not a day more unless you apply for a new TN under Company A.