How about requesting a discussion on this in the 9 O'clock Forum on KQED ???


Registered Users (C)
I know there has been several attempts going on to get the attention of the processing speeds to the media.

While listening to the Forum this morning, thought - may be this is one more way of getting to the media.

Sent an email to requesting them to have a topic on this subject.

Probably if many of us send in similar requests, they might consider of having one ....

Or, may be SM or someone can forward the petition with all the signatures which might prompt them to have this on their show...

Just a thought.....
SM kindly forward the petition if possible .. we have nothing to loose . And yes we promise to put you on the discussion forum and make sure JLo watches .
I think one petition with lotsa signatures is good, Soumy. Gives em a reason to push it internally right away. SM, how 'bout it?

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am an immigrant. I have done nothing wrongful in this country or outside of it. It is however frustrating to be waiting for over 600 days, and knowing that all my efforts/enquiries to all sorts of government agencies including the president himself have gone entirely unanswered. As of today, I cannot email BCIS, I cannot fax BCIS, I cannot call BCIS. The NCSC# folks have no clue what is going on, and they clearly tell me so. I realize the need for security, but this vicous circle of BCIS delays and FBI's security checks have put my life in an unimaginable stress and life of uncertainity.

This has made me believe that American Dream is only a dream because BCIS inefficiency is the true stark reality.

I am only one of thousands such people. You can view a signed petition to improve california service center's process below,

But remember, those signatures cannot bear the true testimony of the problems we as the *LEGAL* immigrant community are facing.

I would like to request a discussion on your esteemed forum and whatever help you can provide to bring this injustice to light which is being brushed under the carpets of homeland security by the government.


- <<name omitted>>
1 more thing

My sending the petition versus yours, shouldn't make a difference, why don't all of us, each one of us who has signed on the petition send them this email, in our own words.

Given 500ish emails, I am sure they will do something.
I think SM is right we should all send this individually too along with the link . Good job SM . We'll update you on the forum. We are not sure how long its taking to process such requests
Originally posted by Silly Man
And now that I've sent this email .. kindly tell me more about that forum :D:D

SM, I listen to this forum (which is incidentally called Forum) every morning. The host of the show is Michael Krasny, probably the smartest and most intelligent person on the air these days. He is a university professor at SFSU and has excellent talk shows every day from 9 to 11.
I send one too


I am part of the immigration community who is frustated with the way BCIS/INS is processing our cases. Its been a long wait more than 1 1/2 year.

The worst part is that its immpossible to get any information from BCIS/ INS. There are ways to contact them like, Email FAX, Mail, Phone but that doesn't provided us with any information whatsoever.

There are many others who are frustated with the same problem, which you can find out by viewing the signed petition attached below.

If its possible, we all would like a discussion on your esteemed forum. And provide us with the necessary help to speed up processing of our applications.
Originally posted by ruxrux
SM, I listen to this forum (which is incidentally called Forum) every morning. The host of the show is Michael Krasny, probably the smartest and most intelligent person on the air these days. He is a university professor at SFSU and has excellent talk shows every day from 9 to 11.

thanks .. and thanks to who PM'ed me about this.

I Feel the following information should be included

I am an employment based GC Seeker. I am highly qualified and am in the EB1/EB2/EB3 category of XXXX country.

The employment based process is divided into 3 sections
a) Labor Approval
b) I-140
c) I-485 (Adjustment of Status)

My Labor Petition and I-140 has been done. We are currently waiting for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) to be done.

US Congress has directed the Immigration department that the Adjustment of status (I-485) should not take more than 6 months.

But in our case we are waiting for more than XXXX days.

There are a huge number of cases pending


I think that the above information will help the people on the forum or whoever you email to understand more about what the problem is.
actually any of you got any reservations about us bombarding all the major news channels with our emails?
Good job SM and MygcWaiter, but I think you should listen to what rsrgc has to say. Unfortunately, your messages are too unclear for a tyro in this field. Somebody who doesn't know anything about BCIS, waiting times, I-485 wouldn't understand a thing.
Thank you deeply.
hold the horses - lets get organized

I thought we were going to get a little more organized?

Things don't move at lightening speed. Maybe 4-5 of us should take responsibility for publicising the 485 slowdown and work (by calling each other, framing the issue for the media, reaching out etc.) towards getting media coverage. Feel like it is too adhoc and loses steam too quickly.

Doing this on this forum, like for example, editing the email etc. is not going to work.

I'd like 5 volunteers, including SM (sorry boss, your the man). Please email me your names/email at

thank you,
Ok I'm 1 volunteer, but I reserve the right to step down if anyone on this board bitches too much @ me. :D:D

Once we have 5 such people, we can create a yahoo group for us 5, and others should be able to tell us via an email to that group, who to send what information to.
This is a very old articles about
Bay Area Congressional Delegation Studies Chronic Delays at Immigration Agency.
The above page has various statements from various people....

The person of importance here... "Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren"
She can be very helpful, I think.

Can send her a email using ...

Anyway we can use her???