How about a thread to slam debo_nair


New Member
This guy slams INS and at the same time replies to messages in less than 5 minutes. Who is polling these message boards during your work hours? (That\'s not deffinitely not your day job)
I am sick of you debo "moron" nair.
No Title

It\'s ok guys take it easy...every body has their own problems and people are showing their frusrtation in their own way, can\'t blame any body...Please let\'s not post these kind of messages.
I think you guys can understand....Thnx
No Title seem to be a nice guy, but yu know what I mean to say here..poor all sympathies...but this seems true...u seem to have irritated quite a few people including ...........
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We should not post messages like "slamdebo" etc on this board. We all are here to help and add info and not slamming anybody. Don\'t post this kind of info. I remember debo has posted some good info before on this board. Don\'t make them not share further info. Happy waiting...
No Title

I have been reading these post for past 2 days and keeping mum..I have no idea why these posts were initially started at all !! the person who started this is also a known poster but just used a new id to post the first matter what people say I will continue posting messages....some may like it and some may not...isn\'t that the whole reason why this is a public message board ? thanks for ur of my Chinese friends used to ask me why Indians fight with each other for some dumb reason instead of giving support and moral ....we Indians know the answer right...selfishness and jealousy !! I may scan the board every other minute 24/7/365....why the hell are some people bothered about my time? They dont feed me daily bread....
No Title

haahha, debo, i have not been here for a while, there are always all diffrent kinds of people who doesnt like others\' postings. never mind about it. i used to be addicted to thos board to. but still come here occasionally even after i got my approval. i truely undertstand the frustration and anger. well, let it be, just wish every one good luck. geez, cant believe there are so many familiar names here. i thought you guys should be already set free.
No Title

debo..sorry to see you getting bashed by so many people...but in one way yu have a point though! Keep irritating, you have my full support...
No Title

Debo, take it easy. I am really sorry people are picking on you. Personally I don\'t agree with all of your messages, but I simply don\'t read some of the threads I don\'t like. I may be missing some useful information and again I may not :)

Guys, give Debo some slack. We each have our own problems and different ways to handle stress. If you don\'t like Debo\'s postings make your own :)

Good luck everybody!!!
No Title

I am sad to see a thread like this. Debo did posted some useful messages.

Debo keep posting the messages.

I know few guys they do visit this site often and gather the information but they feel it is waste of time to post their RD and ND information. Atleast few guys post information at the last when they get approval.

No Title

If not people like debo or ciba this site will not be alive. everyone has a right to post their views as long as they are relavent to a subject. This topic right now is outright a "MIS POST" which is taking up quite a lot of unwanted bandwidth.

All of us waiting for the GC are quite frustrated especially with the downturn in economy. I feel sorry for the original poster but there are other ways to vent out your frustration (like writing about your problems) rather than blam somebody else. This is not going to take you anywhere but get you more aggrevated - I am sure u are boiling right now.
No Title

Thanks HariA.....Have u also noticed that there are people who take full use of discussions here for their own benefit and never post their personal exp. Only when they get approval or get an RFE they take this boards help...what a pity !! also I have also noticed my bashers would come from nowwhere ..they have hardly any useful / useless posts....its one of us whos doing it and i am pretty sure who it is....anyway lets go forward and stop this now....
No Title

Hello Debo,
If you think it\'s me (Kramer_1) who posted the first message.
I am sorry you are mistaken. I told you my opinion before. (Not to waste the bandwidth). Take it or Leave it. That\'s your call.
Don\'t think that I have to get a new ID to slam you, I can slam with the same ID. (It\'s already masqueraded, I don\'t need another level )

If you didn\'t mean me, then sorry for the above paragraph and please ignore it.

hariA, just a note.
In my honest opinion you can not put ciba and debo_nair in the same league. Atleast I wouldn\'t do it. You can differ!
No Title

I completely support debo_nair. He has full right to post his thoughts, including occasional frustrations. We all are going through a rough patch where INS is ..... us from both ends. I\'d rather slam somebody who has got time to create a userid for slamming somebody in the first place. How could somebody possibly do that and blame debo for freaking out??
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Debo..seems u have swollen a lot and lot of people are applying cold cream...My sympathies also, I really agree that nobody should post things like these here...some here and there is good but not to this extent..somebody also posted for me in another discussion
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