Hope to see some August in early April and some September cases in middle April!!

There are approximately 100 August RDs compared to 180 July. My 2 cents...

Guess this will translate into a faster turn-around for August compared to July. I agree once we get past the August approvals, we are dealing with a predictable September to December lot. I think April/May is for August/July (remaining) approvals. June/July is for September to December approvals. Parallel-processing will positively aid the forecast - like seeing September approvals in May - just my thoughts.
Greedy? Arent we all greedy!!

I am an October RD. I hope that the July/August cases are done by April at least. I am hoping for an approval may be in July-August.

May God help us all.

Patience Y\'all Patience
I think we will see August approvals in April at least

In mid or late April, we will see September approvals.
Someone are lucky can get September approval in April, someone may need to wait until May, few of them will have to wait anxiously until June. The early the better. That is not greedy. That is the hope for good luck.
A# - when do you get one

I am ready file I-485. When do you get an A#?
Is it my I-140 case number? The approval notice did not mention A#. Thanks.
you get your A# after you receive your I485. Before that, just leave it blank!

Here are the other SINs

these five are main but if you want seven then its
I am sure GC is a necessity in this country looking at the hassels we have to go through in H1.so its defintely not a SIN to be hopeful about GC.
my 2cents.
It is who\'s sin to let us go through this long and tedious process?

It is who\'s sin to let people who are not even as lucky as us suffer or died without clue? It is beyond our control now. All we can wish is to get Green Card first. Two weeks can make a lot of difference for people who are at the edge of being laid off.
Seven sins...

Lust, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy,....I forgot the other two.
Anyways, you all seriously believe that INS is gonna be that efficient overnight?? Believe me, I am in the same boat as you all, and would like to receive my GC at the earliest. But that doesn\'t mean I can set expectations for INS at whim.
Besides, each of us have our own baseless, often-proved-false theories that we thrust upon others and thereby raising some innocent hopes which, in turn, would lead to more disappointment and anxiety. Don\'t ya\'ll think that we should stop thinking out loud on this forum? After all, a lot of people visit this forum and some are more desperate than others. Such messages are bound to hurt some people here.
Also, RIC, don\'t you hide behind that 6-year exile story of yours. That is no reason for you to post such silly messages. And, before you ask me to turn a blind-eye to your posts, I\'d advise you to follow the etiquettes of posting a message!

See what happens if yu don\'t listen to good advice...
Your comments may be innocent to you--- but will ignite anger in a lot of Guys who are being tortured in their quest for the Green Card.
Take it easy man, I also know how you feel, don\'t get worked up
No Title

I see ric\'s posting a little bit too optimistic. However, nothing outrageous. It certainly does not deserve to be labeled as "silly". Those of you think ric\'s message will hurt someone\'s feeling or casue anger and anxiety, come on, is it little bit too harsh? This is a discusion board not Harvard Business Review. A little thought-provoking comments such as ric\'s should be welcome here. After all, we are all intelligent adults and capable of drawing our own conclusions.
I have a dream...

That I will wear a cape, fly around at great speeds, spit laser from my eyes, see through opaque objects, freeze the oceans with my breath and save people in the grips of danger! In other words, I dream to be all that the fiction character Superman is. Anybody?
There are dreams and there are dreams. To call a baseless statement a dream/vision is hilarious enough, but to draw HBR into this muck...??
If you look at Ric\'s Postings.....

He will always count July,Aug and stop at Sept.Sept is where his RD is.If any body from Oct and Nov raise a hope he will call them greedy.
So In my opinion he is not only greedy but selfish.
Tired of this guy\'s postings,not mature enough...
This is my second to last posting !!!

There are lot of losers and semi-losers in this world who do not want to see or admit that someone is better/luckier than themselves. This group of people are usually very defensive! As a matter of fact that

(1) this is NOT your board and this is a public board.
(2) People are free to share as long as there is no unlawful
    statement such as personal attack, racial profiling, religious
    attack, etc. As a matter of fact again, if you can not ADOPT this
    ideology, you are probably far away from American society and you
    may have problem in your relationship, friendship, workmateship
    because you are excessively self-defensive and demanding.

In these regards, those who attcked me need to reflect and adjust themselves. Anyway, I have already wasted tons of time on this board and I do not want to argue with this special group of people. I get out of this board.

The last posting wil be my posting for approval.

Seeyah guys in couple of months hopefully.

so long all,

I totally agree with Ric

Ric\'s comment didn\'t offend anybody, just share his feeling with everybody on the board, whoever don\'t take it just go by, saying sth. against Ric probably made you feel better but it also symbol youself a loser! ask yourself, don\'t you want to see August/September approval come as soon as tomorrow? you think it is impossible? just because you think you are not the luckiest one and jealous others!
ric - Please continue posting

Ric - Please continue posting. Ignore the postings by some people who call you selfish. Everyone will be more interested in the happenings till their RD and that is natural.Who in the world is not atleast a bit selfish? Please continue you share your opinions.
ric - continue but...

your messages sound like a child\'s postings. I think you need to grow a lot.... to be a man.
Sorry but i think it\'s a true. I have the same RD/ND/FP as you (INS\'s RD - Nov 2001 EAC 02.....) so see you around!