Homeland Security USA?


Registered Users (C)
ABC has a new reality show aptly titled Homeland Security USA. The camera follows CBP officers around as they do their work. I watched Tuesday night’s episode which included the following 5 incidences:

1) A “mule” attempting entry into the US, was x-rayed and found to have swallowed, 35 or so carefully-wrapped capsules of a very potent illegal substance. On close examination of the expelled pellets it was evident that the acid in his stomach had started decomposing the wrapping and if the substance had sipped into his body it would have killed him instantly.

2) A group of apprehended illegals from Mexico included a mother with her 3-yr toddler and another mother with a young daughter. On questioning the little girl maintained that as the group realized they were spotted they made a pact to abandon her and run for their lives. The girl’s mother refused to go along with it.

3) A very young lady with a seemingly valid green card in hand; a missing front tooth; surgical gauze in one side of the mouth; and surgical mask around neck attempted entry into the US from Mexico. At POE she informed the officer she was recovering from surgical procedure. She was sent to secondary, fingerprinted and interrogated. She confessed that for 5 years she saved up to pay for a process where she is assigned a valid green card that belongs to someone else and then disguised to resemble the face on the GC. In her case, a front tooth was pulled out, and surgical gauze inflated her cheeks. Officers gave her money – as she had none on her – and returned her to Mexico. She was concerned for her life as it was middle of night and she had no one in the city to which they were deporting her.

4) A 17-yr old “tourist” and his expired-passport-carrying passenger driving an SUV attempted entry into US from Canada. It was determined to be a case of money laundering from Canada via US to Mexico. CBP stripped the SUV apart and discovered that it was built around a stack of Canadian $ with a USD equivalent value of $190,000. The money was seized, the car was worthless at this point and they were returned back to Canada.

5) Finally, an old man, US citizen was refused entry into Canada and returned to US. He appeared lost and unable to articulate what he was going to do in Canada. Family and Buffalo police were called and while waiting he was fed pretzels. He was taken by police to reunite with family.

At the risk of appearing to minimize the immigration pains and frustrations so many on this forum have gone through, I cannot help but conclude that what the majority of us experience pales by comparison to what individuals are exposing themselves to on a daily basis to step foot into this country. In the larger scheme of things, folks, we have it r-e-a-l-l-y good. I am truly thankful.:)
Great program, thank you, I'm watching it on Youtube now

You know, it's a good "documentry" show but exposing the details of Homeland Security methods and way of analysis will increase the smugglers awareness.