Holy Cow.....case Approved..!!!


Registered Users (C)
I was running the excel script provided by Pork today at work...got locked out due to the 1000 hits limit...but saw my case.. said same old..RFE was received...blah..blah..

Came home and checked the site.. APPROVED..!!

Details :

RD : 09/25/2001
ND : 10/26/2001
FP : 03/27/2002
RFE : 01/23/2003 (employment letter)

AD : 05/16/2003 (I am still rubbing my eyes...and pinching myself...will take some time to sink in..)

Thanks to Rajiv for maintaining this great web-site..!!
Also, thanks to all the Gurus out there.. especially Pork, Ghee.., Sankrit, and every single person who took pains to respond to my messages... I may have sounded desperate, but believe me..to a certain extent, I was... I mean, who wouldnt be..??

Everyone wants to get out of this hell-hole called NSC right ??

I will still continue to visit this site and give my full support to any action you folks take regarding contacting senators/AILA etc..
(I started the thread 'Pork, Ghee.. Let's roll' and I am happy to see people are finally waking up and saying, 'Enough is enough..let's do something..' Keep the thread alive..!!)

Good luck to you all...!!