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HIGH NUMBER of selection


Registered Users (C)
Hi everybody!!

is there anyone selected in the first step that have not get the GC??

i have benn selected with EU 52xxx
I just replied to you question on another thread. EU52XXX is a very high number. In my guesstimation it is above the range where a global cutoff will apply - however no one can be sure so you may still have some chance.

FYI yes there have been selectees that have not got a Green Card - country caps, the global quota, problems with the requirements all lead to selectees being without GCs. That is why they refer to us as selectees, not "winners".
I just replied to you question on another thread. EU52XXX is a very high number. In my guesstimation it is above the range where a global cutoff will apply - however no one can be sure so you may still have some chance.

britsimon, that's not clear for me. As I know about 140k selectees for DV2014 and 50k GC to give, is it likely that EU52XXX is danger to run into a global cutoff? That includes for me that more or less all CN below of 52k will be processed for the visa issue.

After browsing the forum I'm not clear at all how the CN is provided. Is any CN after e.g. 2014EU unique or is it possible that numbers are doubled (for example 2014EU00004711 and 2014AF00004711)? And how's about holes within?

It's a bit confusing for me. It might be right that CN's above 40k might be falling into the cutoff trap but on the other hand: nobody knows, isn't it?

By the way: thanks a lot for your forum contribution which I saw the last couple of months. And I read along since May :)

Best regards
britsimon, that's not clear for me. As I know about 140k selectees for DV2014 and 50k GC to give, is it likely that EU52XXX is danger to run into a global cutoff? That includes for me that more or less all CN below of 52k will be processed for the visa issue.

After browsing the forum I'm not clear at all how the CN is provided. Is any CN after e.g. 2014EU unique or is it possible that numbers are doubled (for example 2014EU00004711 and 2014AF00004711)? And how's about holes within?

It's a bit confusing for me. It might be right that CN's above 40k might be falling into the cutoff trap but on the other hand: nobody knows, isn't it?

By the way: thanks a lot for your forum contribution which I saw the last couple of months. And I read along since May :)

Best regards

Hi Mike - you seem to have the understood the facts. As you said there are 140k selectees and a global quota of 50k GCs available. We know that MANY of the 140K won't proceed with their applications, some will get rejected and so on. But USCIS increased the number of selectees significantly this year and mentioned that they did that to ensure the quota was filled. To my way of thinking that means some people will miss out - we just don't know where the cutoff will happen.

To your other questions, the case numbers are numerically incremented within each region (so 2014EU00004711 and 2014AF00004711 could happen). However there are also LOTS of holes, so a EU52XXX number does not have 52000 selectees in front of them. The holes are created by entries disqualified very early in the process (before selectees were even informed).

So to your last point, yes I believe the global cutoff will come in something like the top 20% or 30% of numbers (depending on region). Someone in the top 10 or 15% of numbers (like EU52XXX) is in a pretty risky range. I actually think EU40XXX and below is safe - above that, chances start reducing...

Oh - and thanks for the thanks!
great, thanks a lot, I got the point :)

So let's keep our fingers crossed for us, especially the guys with high CN's. Good luck furthermore!

Best regards
my cn 47*** i from moldova. and my high case is not big problem, problem is that i was convicted.

It depends on your crime record and the content of the trial whether your visa will be approved or not. To be honest I'm not an expert for that cases but I guess the conviction might be a bigger problem than you certain high CN. Probably the statues for DV visa issuing regarding disqualifying facts will tell you more details.

Anyway good luck to you that you'll be successful at the end.

Best regards
was convicted by possession of 7.28 marijuana.

I'm not sure how they will judge that amount (i.e. intent to supply or not). In deciding whether or not you are eligible for a visa they are likely to assess the amount of drugs, how long ago it was and what was your punishment.

I doubt enyone here can be definitive in saying whether your case would be acceptable or not. You could check with a lawyer or you could just risk it and go to the interview to see what they say. However, the thing working against you is also your case number. Since it is high, you may never get an interview but if you do it will be very late. SO if they want to perform checks under administrative processing you may not have time for that process to complete by 30th September 2014.

Really, I'm guessing the combined factors mean the odds are heavily against you. Personally I would not spend money on a lawyer and just wait and see what happens in an interview - if it ever comes...
Yes this was in moldova. actually I'm innocent I passed the police man thу boy said that i have when he say to bring them to him, in fact had to write that I found. Simply there must be idiot to find three packets in street on one district and took them in center of town. Idiots policemans, but what i can say WAS convicted unfairly