High BP during mdicals--- Reaction from CIC


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I applied for the Canadian immigration (skilled category) in Jan. 2004. I underwent for medicals on 20th jun 2005, my BP was found to be elevated (150/110) during the tests.
What will be the reaction of CIC?
Do they ask for any additional medical tests?
if anyone has experienced the same during their medicals kindly share their experiences.
You should be worried more about your own health than medicals

I was detected with higher blood pressure also during my Canadian medicals. Mine was more like 145/90. Dr did make note of it and it was also on the CAIPS note that I requested later as "Hypertension", but I had no problems with immigration like special tests etc.
I would suggest you see your primary care Physician and get started on medication immediately. 150/110 is not a joke you could suffer from a stroke.If you smoke you should probably stop or cut down the most you can immediately.
thanks for your prompt reply and concern, I discuss this issue with the DMP, just after the medicals, he suggested to see a physician for the BP, but he said, perhaps for the canadian immigration CIC ll not ask any further tests based on just this BP, as the other tests were normal, but as a doc, he advised it should be cured, as it could be dengerous in future.
yeh I have consulted a doctor, he suggested a couple of pills a day, its now under controlled levels.
Still waiting for CIC reply, fingers crossed... :)
sorry to bother you but ayaz99 can you tell me where did you apply from i mean which consulate because we applied from buffalo in sept 2004 and got the aor in jan 2005.we are still anxiously waiting for the rest.if you can give me the detail it would be of great help and i would be grateful.
I applied via CIC-Berlin, Germany... I am a Quebec selected (skilled category) applicant, My time line is:

Got CSQ in Nov. 2003--- SIQ-Vienna
- Fed. application in Jan. 2004--- CIC Berlin
- Selection interview on 29th Sept. 2004
- Security interveiw on 2nd March, 2005.
- Medical received on 14th Jun. 2005

Please have a look at www.yogi799.com , you will find many time lines from Buffalo, my best wishes for your PR application.
Hi hannah,
Thanks, My best wishes for the speedy processing of your PR application, I konw the waiting time is frustrating, But can't do much except to wait patiantely for the next actions from CIC.
All the best,