Hi This very very Important Please read and respond.

I sent two faxes to FBI, one in August, one a month later in September. No reply.
I think they only reply to faxes with the completed name check. If there is any problem they don't.
udacha6 & all,

I requested my senators office to verify my name check status with FBI looks like FBI sent the information back to USCIS in JAN 03 . FBI also said that some times there might be communication problem (Possibbility of USCIS didn't receive the information). There might be only two possibilities

1. INS may not have received the info FBI ha sent.

2. INS may be waiting on other checks.

guys any one of you know is there any other checks involve.Please let me know.
Through my senators help i came to know that my name check is cleared and vermont has my name check result(Confirmed with vermont service center). but vermont still says my case is pending security and background checks what else they might be waiting on other than name check. Senators office tried to find out what else it's pending on vermont service center refused to give any other info.

Folks based on my situation is there any thing else i can do? Please advise.

Can you post the fax number for both finger print and name check? Thanks.

RD/ND Aug/Sept/02
Am very sorry to hear about your situation. Others have already given you valuable suggestions. One thing I didn't see is writing to the Ombudsman. Not sure how helpful he's going to be. But, hey, why leave any stone unturned right?

I would really like to see us all come together, and sign a petition and send it to the president, who ever it is going to be (we'll find out next week). Why not go stright to the top?

You can still email him at president@whitehouse.gov or something like that, .

Good luck and God speed. :)
Thanks. I already sent a personal inquiry and a senator inquiry. Will do a FBI name check per other thread. I'll skip the man himself.

Who is Ombudsman? Sounds like Osama
Dont think you are alone. I am there waiting from Jan 24 2002. Till now no reply from INS. contacted FBI name check cleared on Sept 1 and then pending again. No one knows when it will be approved.
Contacted senator but no help, always you will get the standard reply wait for 30 to 90 days.
Applied for 4th EAD. I think this will go on for 5,6,7.....


FP2- 04/05/2004
FBI Name Check Done-09/01/2004.

Looks like you got second FP done already. in my case i didn't even get the second FP. GOD knows when our cases would be approved.
RDJAN2003 said:

Looks like you got second FP done already. in my case i didn't even get the second FP. GOD knows when our cases would be approved.
Any way keep posted if you have any new information.
tyzh said:
Thanks. I already sent a personal inquiry and a senator inquiry. Will do a FBI name check per other thread. I'll skip the man himself.

Who is Ombudsman? Sounds like Osama
Main Entry: om·buds·man
Pronunciation: 'äm-"budz-m&n, 'om-, -b&dz-, -"man; äm-'budz-, om-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural om·buds·men /-m&n/
Etymology: Swedish, literally, representative, from Old Norse umbothsmathr, from umboth commission + mathr man
1 : a government official (as in Sweden or New Zealand) appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by individuals against abuses or capricious acts of public officials
2 : one that investigates reported complaints (as from students or consumers), reports findings, and helps to achieve equitable settlements
- om·buds·man·ship /-"ship/ noun

Search the forum for Ombudsman and you'll find his contact address. Hope this helps.