HI Some local Xferre to INS Baltimore had interview today may be listUser PLease post Xperience

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One of my friend also went to attend interview today at 02:15. I will probably hear from her immediately after the interview. Will post it once i get the news.
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My friend got her passport stamped after the 10 min interview. They have just asked the Birth certificate, w2 etc.. I could not talk to her in detail, but the final result is approved up front.
Hope listuser also got the approval.
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Yes Listuser,
   Am eagerly waiting to hear ur response. Has anyone whose TD is 04/27/01 rcvd interview notice.

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 list user my interview is on June 28th please let me your xper.

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Thanks Karri for sharing your friend\'s

Yes, I hope it\'s also good news for


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I had an interview this morning. Baltimore INS told me that affidavits are not sufficient as birthdate evidence.
They wanted a non-availability certificate or some equivalent from my birthplace in India. The rest of the interview
was okay. Some routine yes/no questions mostly. The officer took a paystub each from 1998, 1999, 2000
and 2001. He also took tax returns of 98 and 2000. Employment letter of course. He also took my index finger
print but I am not sure why. He appeared satisfied with everything except for the lack of birth certificate.
I have three months time to provide further evidence of my date of birth. He clearly told me that I will not
need to appear for another interview. "Just submit us something typed up by your local authorities
and you will be approved right away". The officer was very polite and the interview lasted about 15 minutes.

My company thinks that the affidavits are sufficient and they are about to do some arm-twisting. I am
trying to produce a non-availability certificate from India. If anyone has a format of non-availability certificate,
please please send it to me at avallab@yahoo.com.

The end is near, I hope.
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Hi Listuser,
  You may wish to provide what they want. You have waited this far what is a little bit more trouble. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Do we have anyone with interview at Baltimore other than UP for this month or next ???

GMC or anyone with TD > 04/19 got a interview date...

baltimore , nick my TD is also 06/04... So just keep in touch.
