Here's the skinny on Byrd's Amendment- as seen on C-SPAN


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Byrd introduced his amendment by talking about how the US is loosing conrol of its borders (a totally unrelated subject), and that there are 8-12 million illegals in the country. He warped about how he is seeing overcrowding of hospitals, school, and like- he's lumping together two totally different subjects - of ILLEGAL border crossers and LEGAL IMMIGRATION for highly skilled, tax paying, law abiding professionals.

Byrd is himself a former Ku Klux Klan member and a xenophobist- is why the restrictionists chose him to introduce this crazy amendment.

Read about Byrd's KKK days:

There are two kinds of people supporting Byrd's amendment- immigration restrictionists like Byrd and Sessions (Alabama senator) and democrats like Durbin (Illinois Senator). The democrats used to be friends of legal immigration and now, with the loss of power in the White House and Senate- have gone totally beserk!!!

See what xenophobists like NumbersUSA and FAIR have to say about the Byrd Amendment:

Tomorrow Senators vote on this bill. Let's not allow the restrictionists to control this debate. Between now and tommorow morning continue to CALL your US Senators and urge them to vote for the Judciary's Reconcilition Bill and NO for Byrd's Amendment. If this doesn't pass the Senate tomorrow, there is no hope for any relief at all!!!!
(The House Bill just raises Fees on L-1 and provides ZERO benefits in return)

Keep in mind to CALL your US senators (www.senate. gov) TODAY (you can email too if there is time, but calling is much more preferable) because as I was told by one Senate Staffer today- with the volume of emails that come in, it takes may take several days to get to them. No use if they check our emails after they've cast the wrong vote!!

A summary of key talking points:

-URGENCY : EB Visa relief is absolutely critical NOW because of the massive retrogression that took place recently. This retrogression set the clock by many, many years for genuine, skilled, legal immigrants from across the word. This on top of the many years you've already waited patiently.
-EXPLAIN this relief is for LEGAL immigrants who are ALREADY HERE, paying taxes, working for American corporations, contributing to the community and not border crosssers (ILLEGALS is a separate subject altogether and should not be confused with this)
- DESCRIBE the hardships you face, as the case may be, with US citizen children (what happens if you're deported), no portability, zero benefits in Social security and medicare but paying all taxes, the inability of spouses to work, etc...
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You shouldn't target senator

I'm not agree what you're doing here.
Being a member KKK formerly doesn't impact our case here. Even though, It doesn't help us.

Please do not target any senator. Lets talk about their actin in the senate.

(No worries, you can start to criticize him when you are eligible to vote:)

Thanks for your understanding.
Said nothing Wrong!!!

Said nothing Wrong!!!

I said "Byrd is himself a former Ku Klux Klan member"..and that is true. This is a well known fact, not propoganda. He admitted to it himself.

Participation in the Ku Klux Klan

In the early 1940s, when Byrd was approximately 24 years old, he joined the Ku Klux Klan, which he had seen holding parades in Matoaka, West Virginia as a child, his father having been among the hooded marchers. He "recruited 150 of his friends and associates to form a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.

.....In his book When Jim Crow Met John Bull [5], Graham Smith referred to a letter written that year by Byrd, when he was 28 years old, to racist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi, in which Byrd vowed never to fight:

"with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

During his campaign for the U.S. Senate in 1958, when Byrd was 41 years old, Byrd defended the Klan. He argued that the KKK had been incorrectly blamed for much of violence in the South.


Byrd left the KKK for political expediency but he then started targetting immigrants. He is one of the best known supporters of immigration restriction now. That is a fact!!
I would appreciate if we can target our angers towards our home country politicians......they are the real reason for our current dog like condition.

please refrain from vindicating senators/political parties....just because they are not singing our tones right will only hightlight how narrow minded we are.....(a famous method used by current us government "if you are not with are a enemy")
There is something called Freedom of Speach!!! Especially when you pay tax you can also voice your opinion. No point calling him names but there is nothing wrong to critcize the man. It was pathetic to hear him link the legal immigrants to illegal.
This is the stupidest thing I have heard in many days from tech2468. Sobers is trying to make a relevant point. And this idiot is talking about something else. Just call your senator ASS or do not post anymore on this forum.

techy2468 said:
I would appreciate if we can target our angers towards our home country politicians......they are the real reason for our current dog like condition.

please refrain from vindicating senators/political parties....just because they are not singing our tones right will only hightlight how narrow minded we are.....(a famous method used by current us government "if you are not with are a enemy")
I called both senators from MD none came on line and the office took message but it was like talking to a wall. So I am quite sure it was fruitless. I have send several emails but I think that is in vain.
No Need to split or argue !

Please Calm down guys.
This times made us little bit nervous but we all highly educated people here.

Of course my friends, everybody has right of free speech here, that's for sure.
But the fact is different, even related in his political view or history, though.

What's next ? Their shopping habits ?

I hate racists and even fundamental nationalist, this is not the fact here.
I guess, many of them have some history in their past which we don't like but I like all of them as long as they help to solve this retro. lack. We all should. More, still I like them just because they're human being.

for your response <singhsa3>, I wouldn't use that words for one the forum member during this critical days which we have to be ONE.

Here is the key: Please focus things which can help to fact. Rest is for an other forum's subject even though Truth.

Please keep in your mind that "Fighting and loosing temper never help us guys!
Thanks for your understanding.
Call to senators

I was just thinking to provide a quick format to make the call to senators easier. I am just putting it after talking to some of my friends , who wonders, what to speak to a senator. Please comment on it.

Here is how it looks like

1. Call capitol Hill exchange - 202-224-3121 then tell them to direct to your Senator's office or other senator's office (where you want to call).
2. Desc in a line or 2 about your situation like "I am currently in H1-B visa & applied for immigration status 4 years back etc, (Please try to make it personalized)".
3. Then let them specifically know that you called to request the senator to vote "NO" on "Byrd's ammendment" on the bill ( Bill No - S1932 )

I tried to call Jhon Cornyn(R-TX), Jeff Sessions(R-Al) & Barbara Boxer(D-CA) office that way. it seems it is quick & easy.
Good Job, Toughlabor
toughlabor said:
I was just thinking to provide a quick format to make the call to senators easier. I am just putting it after talking to some of my friends , who wonders, what to speak to a senator. Please comment on it.

Here is how it looks like

1. Call capitol Hill exchange - 202-224-3121 then tell them to direct to your Senator's office or other senator's office (where you want to call).
2. Desc in a line or 2 about your situation like "I am currently in H1-B visa & applied for immigration status 4 years back etc, (Please try to make it personalized)".
3. Then let them specifically know that you called to request the senator to vote "NO" on "Byrd's ammendment" on the bill ( Bill No - S1932 )

I tried to call Jhon Cornyn(R-TX), Jeff Sessions(R-Al) & Barbara Boxer(D-CA) office that way. it seems it is quick & easy.
What bloody dishonest numbers on that site, talking about an increase of 350,000 per year. Only in our dreams could it ever be that big.
Jackolantern said:
What bloody dishonest numbers on that site, talking about an increase of 350,000 per year. Only in our dreams could it ever be that big.

I guess they are talking about moving from 140K to 350K (140 Regular + 90 Recapture + ~120 dependent excemption), they should better read note from, big thanks to him for pushing things.

11/03/2005: Senator Byrd and Distinguished Members of the U.S. Senate

We are forced to repost our October 19 message to help the Senators, particularly Senator Byrd the real issue involved in the immigration proposals which are part of the Reconciliation bill, S. 1932. We are asking you once again whether you want U.S. businesses take these number of jobs to foreign countries. If you do not pass Title VIII, Section 8001 of this bill, you are sending out the message that the Senate wants these jobs taken out to foreign countries.
If you pass this bill, the following jobs will remain in the U.S., albeit by the foreign workers, but these jobs which are kept in the country will generate businesses, revenues, and competite edge ove the foreign businesses.
If the unused H-1B numbers of 300,000 are not recaptured and used, the U.S. businesses will have to outsource 300,000 jobs to foreign countries.
If 90,000 unused Employment Based immigrant visa quota numbers are not recaptured and used, these jobs will also be outsourced to foreign countries.
Distinguished Senators, the jobs taken by foreign workers either in the U.S. or foreign countries depend on the market forces in the global economy and free trade. For the international competitions, U.S. businesses will have to rely on some foreign workers, particularly high tech professionals, no matter where they perform the jobs.
However, if the job had to be done overseas by the outsourced foreign workers in a territory of a foreign country, they will not contribute to the American economy other than supply of labor forces, and these outsourced jobs will not create businesses and jobs in the related industries as they will not spend money to buy the goods and services in this country. The foreign workers who are hired and work in the country will generate and boost the country's domestic businesses and jobs as they spend their income in this country. Granted that the U.S. businesses will need their services and allegedly they will take away American jobs, the result will remain same: No matter what, whether in the form of oursourcing or hiring foreign workers within the country, probably the same number of jobs may be allegedly taken away by the global market forces. The huge difference between the two is that outsourcing of jobs will not help to create jobs and business within the country by the forced of consumption but the foreign workers in the U.S. will. Come to think of the affect of McDonald hamburger drive-in orders taken by foreign workers in a foreign country and orders taken by a foreign worker in town. Wake up, America.
Senator Byrd, what you have proposed will result in complete opposite consequences, obviously to your great surprise and dismay. Please don't be blinded by the rhetorics and see through the veils as a patriot. A large number of foreign brains are already moving to our competitors in the Europe, Canada, Australia. Our business clients are more and more bringing the jobs to foreign companies in Asia and South America. You are naive and misguided if you thought you could stop the rule of global economy.
Congratulations- the light of reason prevails!!

Next Step!


The Senate has finally seen the light of reason and voted overwhemingly against the Byrd Amendment. This measure will provide much needed relief to the American Economy and also to affected individuals.

Now, you everyone needs to contact their House Representatives to ensure these hard-won provisions stay in on the joint House-Senate Reconciliation.
Select your state and district and start contacting your congresssman/woman today. I've already called and emailed mine.

I'm sure Loo Dobbs will do his usual ranting on this today evening:)