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Helpppp: date on the forms


Registered Users (C)

sorry but I have seen that the forms that KCC have sent me are outdated, I mean on the top right hand corner they are saying an expiry date which is already over (2006).

How come KCC sends outdated forms ? Can I proceed with these forms as instructed by KCC or do I need to get newer ones ? if so where can I download them (iare those forms unique or are they just general forms sent to all winners).

Thanks for your help
That question was asked yesterday. The DSP-122 you got is the newest one that is publish. Everything is fine!
Dont see the thread


thanks for the info but I cannot find back the thread were this was asked yesterday.

The DSP122 of my wife is already attached to the other DS documents, but the general DS documentents (Biographical forms) are clearly outdated. Not that they reject the application because the forms are outdates. But again those are the forms they send me so what can I do about it.

So as I understand date of those documents is not important right.

PS Did you fill out the forms by computer or just by pen
Dont see the thread


thanks for the info but I cannot find back the thread were this was asked yesterday.

The DSP122 of my wife is already attached to the other DS documents, but the general DS documentents (Biographical forms) are clearly outdated. Not that they reject the application because the forms are outdates. But again those are the forms they send me so what can I do about it.

So as I understand date of those documents is not important right.

PS Did you fill out the forms by computer or just by pen
I got the same thing. The forms that the DoS sent me are out dated. But it shouldn't be a problem. The new ones are exactly the same as the old one.

Just send the forms that the DoS sent you.
DSP122 ok but apparently for DS

Hi there,

dsp122 indeed even on the website it is outdated.

But the other 2 DS forms have newer version (expiry 2010). Do you think I should go and download the newer ones ?

I suppose if dsp 122 is expired the other ones should be fine too but wanna be sure.
