Helping my father with Citizenship (A few questions)


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Hi all. I'm helping my father a long time LPR with his citizenship. He has been in this country 40 yrs has no issues with law or tax issues or anything like that. He does have a few questions that I'm not sure about.

He is 47 yrs old speaks perfect English and should have done this long time ago. :(

1. Selective service. He does remember registering for selective service but when you go to the selective service website it says no info for his social. Do we need to call or try to verify in some other way?

2. He also wanted to know if they contact his employer? He had an issue with one of his managers at his work where he has been working for 12 years. So he was wondering if that could cause him some issue with his application and or interview.

Thanks in advance.
1. At 47, don't worry about the proof of SS. Just explain you checked but found nothing. Either way he's past the threshold, which is 31 I think.
2. No. They won't
I'm 46. I never registered. I wasn't asked about that at all...
(but I never had to register so maybe that was the reason they didn't ask)
1. Selective service. He does remember registering for selective service but when you go to the selective service website it says no info for his social. Do we need to call or try to verify in some other way?

Call the Selective Service people on the phone and they can do some extra searching for records that aren't available via the web site.

However, because he's over 31 the interviewer probably won't care about Selective Service anyway.

2. He also wanted to know if they contact his employer? He had an issue with one of his managers at his work where he has been working for 12 years. So he was wondering if that could cause him some issue with his application and or interview.
They won't contact his employer unless they have reason to believe there is fraud that involves the employer. And if they do, it won't be questions about job performance.
Thanks Jack.!

Yes I thought I read somewhere about calling SS and they could do a better look up.

As far as work no fraud. He had an HR issue with one of the managers and was worried that it may caused an issue. Thats it.
As far as work no fraud. He had an HR issue with one of the managers and was worried that it may caused an issue. Thats it.

Contacting employers is rare, and if it happens they're definitely not going to ask about his job performance. They might check if he claimed to be a US citizen for the I-9 with that employer, or verify that he actually worked there, but HR issues and other such job problems are irrelevant.
Another question. Dad had only one trip a cruise it was less than 24 hrs. Left in the morning and came back same day at night. It was 20 yrs ago. We don't have to list that right? Also is it strange he says he never got asked to show anything leaving on the cruise or coming back. No green card anything. Customs did not ask for anything.
Might it have been a cruise in one of the great lakes? Forget about the trip. He shouldn't even mention it or worry about it.
Another question. Dad had only one trip a cruise it was less than 24 hrs. Left in the morning and came back same day at night. It was 20 yrs ago. We don't have to list that right?
Correct, it is not necessary to list trips of under 24 hours.

Also is it strange he says he never got asked to show anything leaving on the cruise or coming back. No green card anything. Customs did not ask for anything.
Customs knew that the cruise didn't stop in another country to pick up passengers, so there was no need to ask for any visa or green card or proof of citizenship. It's like a domestic flight where you don't show any immigration documents (although in post-9/11 days you have to show some form of government ID to board the flight, but nothing after leaving it).
10/4 thank you.

Hey off topic why do you have to do captcha every time you post. Pain! ... :)

Ok one more hope you don't mind. Dad had to do an FBI background check for a state license he had to get for his line of work. Is that the similar as the one done for N-400?

He had to submit finger prints to check against FBI database and also name check with local law enforcement.

Is this the same?

Thanks! You guys are great.
Hey off topic why do you have to do captcha every time you post. Pain! ... :)

The Captcha was put in place to deter spammers. Especially the non-human automated spammers, they have the most trouble getting past the Captcha.

But the Captcha requirement goes away after you've made a certain number of posts, I think 5.

Ok one more hope you don't mind. Dad had to do an FBI background check for a state license he had to get for his line of work. Is that the similar as the one done for N-400?

He had to submit finger prints to check against FBI database and also name check with local law enforcement.

The background check for naturalization is probably more extensive in certain ways, as it takes longer and is able to reveal expunged and sealed convictions and arrests. But if he doesn't have any arrests or convictions, all he has to do for the background check is submit the N-400 form and give fingerprints when requested.
UPDATE: Dad had his interview today and passed.;)

(THANK YOU Jackolantern, cafeconleche and so many other)

So I know its been a while since I posted this but Dad had some issues with his mom my grandmother so life got in the way of doing this.

So here the experience according to my Dad,

Appointment time 11:45 we arrived at 11:30 the office is 10 min away. Went thru security. Walked to counter gave the lady the appointment letter and GC she was pleasant and said to Dad please have a seat by the double doors. It was a big waiting room about 50 people inside but was not full. There was counters to one side doing finger prints and some other windows not sure for what those people got numbers we did not. They told us no number needed they will call you by name. Like 15 min went by and this lady came out and called dad.

The rest of the story I got from dad as I did not go in. He said he followed the officer inside all the way to her office. He sat down she asked for GC and Passport well dad has not had a passport since he came to this country. So he said this is the only passport I have its the one when I was 4 yrs old with my mom and my brother. The officer who was very nice said why have you not done this before now. Dad said because life got in the way and I may be the worlds biggest procrastinator. She laughed. So she verified his info on application and then said you have absolutely no accent when you speak English, dad I know I have been here since 4 yrs old. She said well do you speak your native language? He said this is my language . Once again she laughed. she said but you do speak the language of your country of birth? Dad yes I speak, read and write both languages.

She then started doing something with her computer and said darn my computer is frozen. She said well it must be because the west coast offices are coming online now. Dad thinks to himself its 12 here 9 on the west coast don't they start early like 7:30 but keeps his mouth shut. LOL

She said well I will get back to the computer in a bit.

She then asked him to raise his right hand go under oath. She went threw the entire application. She stooped where dad had listed 3 traffic tickets. She said have you been arrested? Dad no I listed the traffic tickets she said what are they for? Dad I have a print out.

He gave it to her she said they are over $500 dollars, no I noted that they are under $500 dollars. She said OK.
She said you have one of the smallest files I have ever seen. Dad is that a bad thing? She laughed again and said no.

Then she right out of the blue went into the civics test.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson (Officer did you see the the show about him, dad yes I did great show.)
What is the political party of the President now?
Dad really! (She said I know this is like 5th grade stuff.)
There were 13 original states. Name three.
Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
What are the two major political parties in the United States?
He does no remember the last one. He got all six right.

Then he read something and wrote something he cant remember what it was. All he remembers was saying to himself this is to easy.

Then the Officers had him sign some papers and said OK I'm approving your application. Then dad said you see I requested a name change she oh yes she went back to the computer still frozen. She said OK tell you what go do the finger prints out side then tell them you still have to sign some paper I will come and get you. So he come out does that after waiting a bit. He waits again she comes out and says sorry my computer is still down why don't you have some lunch and come back in like an hour or two.
So we go do lunch come back in two hours she comes out and has all the paperwork ready, has dad sign the name change request and the two pictures and she says that's it the oath letter will be in the mail. The oath will not be here but at the federal courthouse.

She said thanks so much for taking the time to come back and I'm sorry about any inconvenience.

And with that we were DONE!

Now we wait for oath letter.
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