

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys

Today I just receive the 3rd FP notice which says my FP has expired. I am 11/01 filer and still waiting. I took my 1st FP on 04/02, got the 2nd FP notice on 07/03 and took it on 08/03. Both of the 2 FPs was taken in Newark, NJ. I moved to PA on 06/03 then inform BCIS to change my home add.

I have confirmed that VSC has got my 2nd FP result on 09/03 after I took it. But today I still get the FP notice at my new add. and should take it in Phila. I guess that VSC has changed my home add., and the expired FP on the notice would be my 1st FP . So I think maybe my case is still hold on somewhere and not assigned to any officer. The notice is made automatically for changing add. I remember some guys got the same situation before. I'd like to know how to solve this problem.

My lawyer is only a documents maker. He always said it was not useful for query the case's status. I have ever asked help from the Senator twice. They told me that my case is still processing and under review. But I don't know why I still got the stupid notice.

How can I inform VSC that I have retaken my 2nd FP 4 months ago? Anybody take FP earlier than the scheduled date in Phila.?

I'm really appreciate in advance.