
aquaman said:
Pinkie, thank you for your advice. You seem to know about this. Yes I am under the microscope, I have been for a while very unfairly, for a trip I did to Alaska with an arab friend. We were riding motorcycles but once my friend run out of gas and while I went to get some, a park ranger helped him out, but he reported the event to Homeland Security. And then all the radars were over us. A libanese in Alaska: it raised all the red flags. Since then every time I come back into the country, they take me to the secondary rooms in immigration, I have been there so menay times, that I already know many of the officers.
My lawer tried to delayed the interview, but I received a letter denying it. And telling us that I will have my opportunity to explain my reasons of going back, and my lawer his arguments. Plroblem is, that since I don't know what kind of evidence they have, I don;t know wether to deny it or accept it explaining my reasons. I guess that under the freedom and information act, I have the right what kind of evidence they have. But I just can't think of what they could have.

Any thoughts.


Just out of curiousity: How did the park-rancher get your indentities. It is possible that he/she might have helped you, but how did he/she get your names, identities so that the park-ranger can report you...

They send me to the little rooms behind second inspection. They don't take every asylee there!

The ranger just asked for his name and liscence number. Nothing more.
aquaman said:
They send me to the little rooms behind second inspection. They don't take every asylee there!

The ranger just asked for his name and liscence number. Nothing more.

Can a range has authority to ask for name and liscence number? I am just learning....