Help With RFE


Registered Users (C)
I am one of the silent :D observers of this forum. My details are PD : June 2000, RD :Sept 2001 ND: sept 2001.

I was issued with RFE for the medical. My reaction to TB test was 7mm. At that time Doc did not do the X-ray. I was told that INS is looking for 10mm reaction to get the X-ray. I did my medical in 2001. Now INS issued a RFE to get the X-ray done.

Here is the question? When I went to the doc, he is insisting to get the complete medical done. ($$$). I am trying to tell him just give the X-ray.

Do I have to do the complete medical again. Any one has seen this kind of RFE.

Please help Want to get this over with.

thanks :confused:
get it done dude

Now is not the time to get economy minded. Get whatever doctor says, no point in giving our friends any more excuses to delay the case.

Yes this is not a good time for argu and wasting ur time...

but if u have some vacine receipt that u took it will help u not only to save some $$ but I believe you need only once in life (not sure) if they agree or still ask to to go with complete blah blah..........

Good Luck