Help with "Nunc pro Tunc", please!


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Hi, everyone. My mother got her asylum status in Nov 2000 and I got my asylum derivative in Sep 2001. Today I got the letter from immigration for request for evidence. This is what they say:
Evidence of record indicates that you were granted asylum in the United States as a dependent. As you were 21 years of age at the time your I-485 application was filed on Sep 20,2002, you were no longer eligible to adjust your status to permanent resident as a dependent. Service guidance requires that derivative asylees who no longer qualify as a spouse or child, be processed for asylum in their own right, " nunc pro tunc", to the date of their original grant of asylum.
Please complete a Form I-589, Application for Asylum, and return it to this office in the provided return envelope.
At this point, I am frightened and panic! Obviously I have to file the application for Asylum form. But will I go through interviews for asylum? Do I have to wait for another whole new cycle? Please help me ! Replies are greatly appreciated!
P.S: Congratulations to the people who just got their GC! All of you guys deserve this! Good luck with everyone who is still waiting for their GC!
relax; it is just a formality. follow the instructions and you will be fine.

icq1980 said:
Hi, everyone. My mother got her asylum status in Nov 2000 and I got my asylum derivative in Sep 2001. Today I got the letter from immigration for request for evidence. This is what they say:
Evidence of record indicates that you were granted asylum in the United States as a dependent. As you were 21 years of age at the time your I-485 application was filed on Sep 20,2002, you were no longer eligible to adjust your status to permanent resident as a dependent. Service guidance requires that derivative asylees who no longer qualify as a spouse or child, be processed for asylum in their own right, " nunc pro tunc", to the date of their original grant of asylum.
Please complete a Form I-589, Application for Asylum, and return it to this office in the provided return envelope.
At this point, I am frightened and panic! Obviously I have to file the application for Asylum form. But will I go through interviews for asylum? Do I have to wait for another whole new cycle? Please help me ! Replies are greatly appreciated!
P.S: Congratulations to the people who just got their GC! All of you guys deserve this! Good luck with everyone who is still waiting for their GC!
Can you share your experience with your interview?

I greatly appreciate your reply! Can you please share your own experience with interview? Thank you!
icq1980 said:
I greatly appreciate your reply! Can you please share your own experience with interview? Thank you!

Do a search of this forum on that topic. You will find people who have had the same problem. I recently recived the same RFE. Have not replied yet.