HELP- Will My and Spouse\'s Both Independent H-1B Visas get Cancelled


New Member
Hi Gurus,

  I have received 1-140 approval and am deciding to go for CP.....In the worst case, will my and Wifes\' H1-b Visas( we each are employed and have our own independent H1-B Visas) get Cancelled ?
  Please reply soon as I need to decide whether to do CP or AOS based on this
  Many Thanks in advance for your reply....
After the interview both your Visa\'s will be cancelled

Remmeber that Consulate do not have Descretionary Power to refuse you IV visa.(unlike NIV visas like F-1, B-1)
So if your case is clean and straight forward you are good to go. Do not waste much time in deliberations to go AOS/CP. What you wanna do is pick one that makes you comfortable and go for it. I did CP and would propose that it is the most easy and starightforward process. |
Here is a doc to help you decide
Thank you for the reply --- but I have not sponsored her

Since but I have not sponsored her and her H1-b is sponsored by a separate Company, will her H1-B also get cancelled
If CP is approved yes since she will now have immigrant status

If CP is not approved, it will only for reasons like proven fraud, criminal cases, etc, so if your record is clean, no probs.

But sometimes they seem to forget to cancel the H1 (they didn\'t cancel mine).