Help: Where to find the rating of a journal


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Anyone has any idea where to find the rating of a journal and other information such as the subscribing number, reviewer criterion. I have a paper published in a high quality journal and have reviewed papers for them.


Originally posted by wang33
Anyone has any idea where to find the rating of a journal and other information such as the subscribing number, reviewer criterion. I have a paper published in a high quality journal and have reviewed papers for them.



I got this one, Subhap.

Scientific and other scholarly journals are rated by a system called impact factor. This number is a function of the number of times its articles get referenced and the quality/impact of those referencing it. A list of most journals, along with their impact factor, can be found at:

Thanks, Brian.

Sorry, I am sort of stupid here. I could only find the list of the journal and could not find the impact factor that you metioned. Brian, I appreciate your help.

Here are the three journals I need to find:

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Numerical Heat Transform, Part B. Fundamentals
International Journal of Sediment Research.

Another question, my another paper is under review at Journal of Hydrulic Research, do I need to submit the rating report?

Many thanks.

Originally posted by wang33
Thanks, Brian.

Sorry, I am sort of stupid here. I could only find the list of the journal and could not find the impact factor that you metioned. Brian, I appreciate your help.

Here are the three journals I need to find:

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Numerical Heat Transform, Part B. Fundamentals
International Journal of Sediment Research.

Another question, my another paper is under review at Journal of Hydrulic Research, do I need to submit the rating report?

Many thanks.


They seem to want money for this now :).

Check out

If your journals don't score high, you might want to leave this out.

It depends on field to field. Normally, 3+ is considered high, 1-3 is considered average, below 1 is low. However, this classification is only for the journals. The standard or quality of a particular paper is determined by the number of citations it receive.
Personally I find these numbers totally bogus. According to this site, all top journals in my field score below 0.5. Let's keep in mind this is a French site, and all French journals have top scores. Maybe they are refrring to the impact in France, not at a global level. I wouldn't sweat for a minute in regard to those numbers.
