help wanted on finger-printing and change of address


Registered Users (C)
I filed I-485 in Boston, MA on 09/03/02. My finger-printing was done on 11/13/02. I moved to CA this June. I called USCIS to update my address after my moving. Yesterday (09/27/04) I got a letter from Vermont Service Center which asks me to do 2nd finger-printing in Boston. My question is:

Since I've already moved from MA to CA, where should I do 2nd finger-printing? Should I contact USCIS to ask them to change the office for my 2nd finger-printing?

I'm wondering why I got the letter from VSC, not from CSC since I've already updated my address and I got a confirmation letter on address change.

Thanx a lot.
Just go and do your FP2 in CA. Don't have to worry who issued it and where it is scheduled. You can show proof of your residency if any one cares for it at ASC.

We did ours at different locations and are thru it w/o any problem.

A friend of mine, also from Boston, gave his FP1 few days back in CA. No questions asked.

If I take finge-printing in a CA office, where should my finger-printing results be sent to? to CSC or VSC?

The fingerprints will be sent the appropriate service center. I am not sure about the technical details (am guessing based on the EAC/WAC number or something like that). To stress again, the fingerprints will be sent to the appropriate service center and you can be worry-free.
My FP notice said that I had to go to SFO and I am here in Boston, I just went to my local office and everything went just fine.