
I wanted to update my situation. I sent the document as is to the SSN and the passport office and I got both approved without any questions or prolonged delay. Thanks to everybody in this forum who calmed my nerves. (before sending the doc. I did call the NPIC number and the lady said call immigration number...i knew that would be an neverending loop and send the documents as is ...took a chance and everything worked out well)
I went to the SSN office first. When u guys do it.. wait for a week to go to ssn office as it takes that long for their system to be updated about your new citizenship status. I had to wait for 5 weeks to get a new card. My husband went to the SSN office after a week after citizenship approval and he got his card within a week.
BTW Does India have dual citizenship?
Thanks for the update. India doesn't have dual citizenship :( I think Indian expatriates should pressure the Indian government to pass dual citizenship laws, as the Indian expatriates contribute a lot of resources to India and should have representation.
You could always go to the regional passport office and apply in person (I know, it needs to be urgent travel, but there are ways to do an end run around that). The staff there is probably DOS federal employees (they verify your documents right there and make your passport right there) and you get the most definative answer if you were pressed for time and did not want to wait for an rejection. But you are good to go, so cheers.
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