help! security check???


Registered Users (C)
Hi I filed my I-485 late Oct.2003 and it is said that USCIS is processing Mar.25,2004 dates. And all my friends who has similar RDs got their PR approved! so I did an inquary and was recieved a letter containing info below. Sounds scary. does that mean my case was send to FBI for security check and it's not done yet or it's just internal procedure with USCIS? can someone advise? And anyone meets similar situation like mine? Thanks!

"The processing of your petition/application has been delayed. All petitions/applications received by this Service are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of the adjudication of petitions/applications. As a result of the lack of manpower to complet the checks in a timely manner, we have no control over how long these checks will take.We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed..."
BenBen....... I have a "deja vu" that you're not the most visible member on this forum..... :D :D ....You should have got your answer by now...

Any way a nutshell here it is .....

FBI name check is a pre-rquisite for 485 adjudication...Noway USCIS skips this...This check is done by FBI at their Washington DC headquarters....
This check is sent to FBI immdiately upon filing of 485 as a thumb rule...But for some filers this has slipped though the cracks .....

Anyway.... you can check with FBI if your name-checks are thorough via letters/emails...Search on this forum for more info

Here is a FBI name-check primer that I got somewhere in this forum that will get you up to speed what name check is all about ...
Any other questions ..just shoot... I will get em answered to the best of my knowledege !!!!

All the best

benbenr said:
Hi I filed my I-485 late Oct.2003 and it is said that USCIS is processing Mar.25,2004 dates. And all my friends who has similar RDs got their PR approved! so I did an inquary and was recieved a letter containing info below. Sounds scary. does that mean my case was send to FBI for security check and it's not done yet or it's just internal procedure with USCIS? can someone advise? And anyone meets similar situation like mine? Thanks!

"The processing of your petition/application has been delayed. All petitions/applications received by this Service are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of the adjudication of petitions/applications. As a result of the lack of manpower to complet the checks in a timely manner, we have no control over how long these checks will take.We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed..."
Followed the instructions to call FBI and they say they give out information only by Emails and currently they are replying to emails recieved in November.
hi orangetreat, thanks a lot for the info! that's very helpful! and congrats on getting ur GC approved!

you are right, actually it was my first time visit the forum last night - refered by a friend saying this is a great place to exchange and get support for GC applications! it is true! :)

sorry for my ignorance, but what is FOIPA? can you give me an ABC? :p

also just saw the post from shanmanz. so I guess that means we should send in by Fax? or email? no email address of FBI released, I guess?

Checked with my lawyer on the letter I received. She said it name check with CIA?? not FBI? :confused:


BTW, any one has a sample letter on how should I send my questions to FBI on name check? can you share? Million thanks!!!!
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OK Ben .... here you go ...

There are 3 kinds of checks that need to get done before I485 petition can be adjudicated

1.Finger Print check -- ( this is usually sent to USCIS the same day you give your finger prints at local INS office)
2. IBIS (Inter Border Services) Check .-- Used to track illegal immigrant comming into this country.. .Usually this check expires every 3 months....This check is done pretty quickly since its just a lookup into IBIS database

3. FBI Name Check -- Send out to FBI upon filing of I485... It can take anywhere between 2 months to 3 years to get this done.... The latter based on getting a hit based on name ....So the FBI officers individually need to weed out irrelevant hits....If no hits it should be done rather quickly....But then there is this rigamarole/hoopla that a lot of checks were never sent by, why this happened is beyond me ..... If you are lucky you should get this check done in a 6 months- 1 year time.

You can request FBI to do a name check for you based on a US consitutional act called (FOIPA)....Freedom of Information and Privacy Act...THis pretty much tells FBI to release records of yourself to you.. You cannot access other folks information...To ask FBI regarding your name check information via FOIPA a letter ahs to be sent to the "Records and Diseemination Section" of FBI in Wash. DC. Please search this forum for more information on FOIPA.....

You may also request the status of name checks sent to FBI by USICS via letter/email/fax. bear in mind the above 2 are seperate requests done by two different departments of FBI...

If you need the text of the letter I sent to FBI here it is


Mr David Hardy,
Program Section (Name Check)
Records Management Division,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20535

Dear Sir,

My spouse and myself have filed an application for adjustment of
status (I485) to that as of lawful permanent resident with the
USCIS Vermont Service Center on August 13, 2003. Our application
is now pending adjudication at the Vermont Service Center.

I am sending this letter kindly asking your office to please provide
the status of the security/name check I believe the USCIS would
have requested upon the filing of our application for adjustment of status.

Following are the details of our case:

Primary Applicant
Name : John Doe
DOB : 01/01/2005
USCIS A# : A1234567
Address : Foothills of Nothern VA
Email :
Phone : 111-111-9999

I may be reached by phone(111-111-9999)
or e-mail (, if
you require any additional information/ documents to
address my request.
A prompt response would be greatly appreciated.


John Doe


Good luck and all the best
i just faxed it over! thanks a billion for the help! :D

let's keep the fingers crossed and will keep you posted...