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My wife is planning to go back to India for 6 months. We just got our green card. My lawyer is demanding $300/ to do this paper work. I am not sure if it is worth it. Can anyone please help me?

Does that mean i dont have to fill out I131 if the stay is only 6 months ?

Generally I-131 is required for stays > 1 year

However it might just be safer to get the reentry permit even for overseas stays of about 6 months especially in the current environment.
What document do you need to bring if travel out of US for a month?

1. Passport got stamped, haven\'t received card yet. You don\'t have to have the actual card to enter US, the passport stamp is valid too, right?
2. Also does anybody know what form you need to fill out and submit when coming back to US as a PR? I heard you don\'t need I-94 card any more. How do they keep track how long you stayed in US and how long you travelled out?
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1. Yes passport stamp is valid
2. When coming back to US, they asked me at the Immigration counter when I had left US and they made an entry "out for 2 months" on my passport.

Hope this helps
regarding rentry permit

Is it safe to apply reentry for one year even though she is planning to be there for 6 months? Does anyone has similar experience? Where do we send this form? How much do they charge? I am sure these are explained in INS website. I dont know if they are updated.