Help regarding Change of Address


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,
I recently moved to a neighbouring town with in the same state.My attorney said that he informed BCIS about my change of address and I don't have to do AR11 stuff.I jus wanna double check.Can any any one suggest me if I need to send AR11 while my attorney already informed BCIS.

you still need to do AR11

for all of your family member and preferably do a certified a nd keep the receipt as a proof.

what your lawyer did, just changed the address on the pending application.

your lawyer is giving you illegal advice. he is not competent..

my own views..
Do USPS with tracking

Do USPS with tracking and track it throuh USPS, once they receive send email to your self, so you have electronic coyp.
So tracking email says tracking number xxx send to address,
after all we trust paperless proof.
Oh Really..I did think it was so necessary to send AR11 by USPS with electronic tracking.Since you told I'd give it a thought.Thanks for the suggestion.