Help Please...


Registered Users (C)
Here is the story..

485 filed July\' 01 at VSC.
Got EAD/AP and also FP done.
Have been on an unpaid leave of absence since Nov\' 01 (no paystubs)
Employer now asking me to go on COBRA..I don\'t know what it is but as far as i have heard it is unemployement related. So if i do as the employer says will it affect my status anyway ? Also if you can tell me more about COBRA it would be great.
All suggestions/advice appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
COBRA is for medial

COBRA is related to your medical insurance. COBRA gives u a option to pay your monthly insurance premium instead of your employer. It no way related to your status or INS.
Premium will be higher

To my knowledge going on COBRA means you have been terminated. The Employer does not have to pay for medical insurance any more. The premium will have to be paid by you which usually is around $300 to $500 per person.
No Title

I think employer is trying to keep you in status, but he doesnt want to pay for your medical anymore and hence he is asking you to go on COBRA i.e take care of your medical insurance on your own...
I think ng123 is right.....

actually COBRA is an intermediate medical health plan option that you are automatically put on(of course with the consent of the employee) case say, you have shifted employers and there is a transition period between the health plan cards that you would get from your new employer....I was under the assumption that the old employer is supposed to pay for the premium for this intermediate(COBRA) plan for a certain period of advise is please check with your any case...there is nothing that he can hide from you and is supposed to co-operate with you...whatever be the case.....

about the change of status ....that could in no way be related to COBRA....but yes...there might be a catch in this.....i.e. INS could find out that the employee is on COBRA(a very remote possibility though) and they might draw some conclusions as to your current employement(i.e. you might be laid-off or something) check with your lawyer if this could have any impact on your GC process....

lastly..if you would want to play safe and not get into this COBRA hassle(in order to avoid the remotest chance of INS detecting anything) always have the option of buying your own health insurance....., a costlier option no doubt.......

do let us know if you find further details.....

take care.....
That is an option

That is an option for you. If you want, take it. If you don\'t.. then ignore that letter. But if you are married, its always safe to keep that insurance.. Though the premium will be very high.
I think ng123 is right.....

actually COBRA is an intermediate medical health plan option that you are automatically put on(of course with the consent of the employee) case say, you have shifted employers and there is a transition period between the health plan cards that you would get from your new employer....I was under the assumption that the old employer is supposed to pay for the premium for this intermediate(COBRA) plan for a certain period of advise is please check with your any case...there is nothing that he can hide from you and is supposed to co-operate with you...whatever be the case.....

about the change of status ....that could in no way be related to COBRA....but yes...there might be a catch in this.....i.e. INS could find out that the employee is on COBRA(a very remote possibility though) and they might draw some conclusions as to your current employement(i.e. you might be laid-off or something) check with your lawyer if this could have any impact on your GC process....

lastly..if you would want to play safe and not get into this COBRA hassle(in order to avoid the remotest chance of INS detecting anything) always have the option of buying your own health insurance....., a costlier option no doubt.......

do let us know if you find further details.....

take care.....
Its usually the practice in big companies

If you are on a very long leave of absence, they expect you to pay for benefits.