Help on marriage appeal -Revoked issues


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I am married to a Nigeria and I am a USC. Married in 2000. Nigeria embassy doesn't believe that our marriage is real. Paper work sent back to Nebrask on September 2002 for revocation. Still waiting for notice from Homeland Security for the reason.

My questions are do anyone knows how long it will be before I get anything from them?

How do you fight your government when they think that your marriage is faked???

Thanks Amiya:confused:
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Amiya, If I was you I would contact my congress person or their liason and tell them what's going on. The can usually get the ball rolling. My fiance' is going back for his third interview and I have contacted my congress liason.

Did he go for more than one interview or did they revoke him the first time. Let me know .

We went back together for his second interview. That is when the officer told me that he was going to send our paper back. We was given another date but I wanted to speak with a lawyer first and my kids was home alone because my niece had to leave right away and I don't have any family here that could have stayed.

I am working with my senators office and they are keeping taps on it. The lady said that they can't interfare with the embassy.

I did call Nebrask office again yesterday and the man said that our case is still with a officer and he don't have any timeline on when it will be finished.

When I spoke with the Nigeria embassy worker he said that he is only trying to protect me that he thinks that my husband only married me to get into this country.

The embassy decided our case in about 5 minutes. That was all that it took.

They think that our marriage is fake and so they are trying to denied us on that ground. They don't believe our marriage license because we got married in Nigeria. The man said that if we had got married inthe states then he would believe our marriage license.

If it comes down to it I will go back to Nigeria to remarried my husband if that wants it takes.

Amiya, I can imagine how you feel. Get in touch also with your congress liason, and make sure they stay on top of this. They can call Nebraska and find out when they will review this case again.

Nigeria, keeps having my fiance' go back also because they want to find a reason to deny him. I am writing letters to them and also keeping in contact with my congress. They see every man that go into the embassy there as fake. It's sad they treat all their citizens that way. They put my fiance' through a gruesome interview but didn't deny , just have him bringing more info. I hope you get your wishes granted soon. Please keep in touch and will tell you more as I find out.

Take care


Hello Amiya,

I am a USC of nigerian descent.I might advise you to file a K (fiance) visa for your husband.
It's a lot quicker and less suspicious to them folks at the embassy.
unfortunately, they treat everybody with suspicion even when you clearly have a good case.

If i happen to marry someone backhome, thats what i intend doing.

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:) Hi, Nkiru & Linuxgeek:

Thanks for replying to my letter:

Nkiru I am truly sorry for what is happening with your fiance. When you go for an interview it only lasts for about 5 minutes The officer will look at the file and than your paper work and asks you a couples of questions. Depending on how you answer the question than you will get your visa.

But Linuxgeek is right. If I would have sent a K 129 visa my husband would have been here by now. But at the time it wasn't approved yet by the senators and once it was approved. My file was already at the embassy in Nigeria. And that was why I didn't file one.

But yes, I do keep in contact with my senators. I went to the office this morning and was told that my case is still with a supervisor and they don't know how much longer it will be. I call the Nebrask office every 2 weeks.

I have to go back to work but please let keep in contact with each other.

Hey Amiya and Nkiru,

Amiya, For most part, u can always withdraw an application with the INS or U.S embassy,all you have to do is to notify them in writing.
Note: It is not unusual for people to remarry in the u.s court even if they had married b/4 in a foreign country(I mean the same couple)

The conditions for filing a fiance visa are:

You must have met your future husband in person withing the last 2yrs which i think u did going by your post.

You and your husband must marry within 90 days of entry in the U.s

Make sure that you keep all your pictures, correspondence etc.
They are extremely valuable for your case.

You might also consult an immigration lawyer since you have a good case.
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Thanks Linuxgeek for your replied. But according to the lawyer that I spoked with he is waiting for a letter of intent to deny mu husband visa so that way we can reply.

Yes, I have thought about withdrawning my petition but I want to wait to I have all the facts.

Thanks, Amiya
Hi Amiya,

Have you heard anything? I got a letter from congress and they are working on my case. Please stay on congress about your case, they have a liason person that works with immigration. Please keep me abreast of everything. Thanks

Hi, Nkiru:

Sorry but I haven't heard anything from them yet. I go to my congress office every 2 weeks. And it is the same thing. Nothing, only that it is with a supervisor and they will get in contact with me if things changes.

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, Amiya