Help on H1 to EAD !! Urgent


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Hi Guys,

My H1B is expiring end of this month and I already have an EAD (Got in October itself), I am still working for the same employer, nothing changed. From December 1st onwards I will continue my Job on EAD since my H1B is expring this weekend.

My Question is, Do I need to do anything for that or its understood that I am now working on EAD ? Do I need to inform the INS or our HR department about this change ?

Any Input would be greatly appreciated.
In my view there is no Problem, just inform your HR. INS already know of your EAD as they have issued it.

Yes, all you need to do is give a copy of your EAD to your HR dept and they will have to change it in their records. You do not have to contact or inform INS at all. Good luck and stay cool.
Thank You

Thank a lot Guys ! I will send a copy of my EAD to HR.

Thanks again.

Hi guys,

As per your suggestion I have given the copy of EAD to my boss who was suppose to pass that to HR dept. But it seems he
forgot to do that and I just came to know yesterday. I followed up on that and was able to complete form I-9 with new employment eligibilty information which is my EAD.

But since my H1B expired on NOV 30 and I am on EAD since DEC 1st 2002, so this I-9 form was supposed to be completed by HR on DEC 1st 2002.

I got my EAD in october '02 itself before my H1B expires.

My questions is , is that a problem if HR has not completed I-9 form until JAN 17, 2003 whereas I am on EAD since DEC 1st 2002.

I guess its employer's responsiblity to complete I-9 form. From my side I submitted the proof of employment eligibility (EAD) well in advance (before my H1B expires).

Your input in this regard is greatly appreciated, my only concern is, if INS inspect the I-9 form will they create any problem when they see the I-9 form has not been completed by HR on time.