Help needed: EAD renew questions?


Registered Users (C)
I was told, based on the new rule, I don\'t have to send signature card with I 765 to service center to renew EAD card. Thay will send me a letter telling when to go to local office to sign the card. This is different from what I did for my first EAD card. My questions are:
1. Do I have to include signature card with I 765?
2. 1. Do I have to include Photos?
3. Do I have to include $100 check with I 765?
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I did everything according to the instruction. If you don\'t need to pay $100, INS will probably mail it back. It happened to me before.

Good luck
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Yes, You will have to include photos and $100 check. The signature card is kind of optional. In fact, when I did it first time I did not include signature card. I applied for renewal on 07.02.01 and this time too, I did not include signature card. I had the form with me but my attorney said that signature card is not a must.

Hope this will help.
My personal experience...

If you did not include the signature card. Where did they scan your signature on EAD ? Just curious. Every time I applied for EAD I sent my signature card thinking that it was scanned from there to the actual EAD. I might be wrong, Maybe they pick it from the actual application, in any case there is no harm in sending the signature card.

This message is not to offend or dis-agree with anybody but my personal experience that I want to share.
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You are right. They take your signature from the application. You need
not go anywhere and sign.
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I agree 100% with Khoka. There is no harm in sending the signature card. I also wished to do the same. But my attorney was so stubborn that at a certain point I had to give up. I argued with him on almost every point (he is not a very good attorny at all) and eventually not to upset him I agreed to him to this signature card issue.

Regarding the signature of the EAD card, INS must scanned it from the I-765 application form. otherwise I should not have received my card in the first place.

Once again, it\'s always a good idea to include everything they ask for.