Help - Name misspelt on AP approval


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My wifes Advance Parole (RD May2001, ND Aug 2001 AD Oct 2001) has her last name misspelt (two letters are wrong)... any idea as to how I can get it corrected??? please help... she is planning to travel abroad.. we do not want any hassles with INS at POE...

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I had the same problem when I went to my country last month. Just make sure to bring an INS issued ID such as EAD that shows the correct spelling of your wife\'s name. Also, be at the airport earlier on the day of departure. The lady from my airlines had to call US consulate to verify my name before boarding. It was very smooth at the POE, I guess the immigration officers are used to it. Good Luck!
lawyer said it doesn\'t matter

My wife\'s first name is misspelled on her AP. My lawyer said it doesn\'t matter. he faxed TSC a letter for correction and suggested to show the copy of that letter. But we don\'t plan to travel out. So never know it is OK or not.