Help me- What should I do?


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Dear Friends,

I just made a successful POE in last week of Nov. When we entered the officer, a oriental guy, at the POE made a mistake in assigning the correct A# number. I told him that the number that he should put is the A 9522 1065 number on the immigrant visa that I had got from the consulate. But he did not listen and he put the other number which was there on the immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate.

On my immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate there was a A 9522 1065 on the top and on the bottom of the document there was a number ----It starts with a roman letter number 4--> IV 7654 2345.

So, while stamping the passport, inspite of me telling him to stamp with the correct A 9522 1065, that officer stamped with the number as
A 7654 2345.

Yesterday, I got a intimation from the INS that I will be getting the card in 3 weeks time. But the number which they have mentioned as my A 9522 1065 is the number which is there on the immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate. And this is not the one which the arrogant officer put on my passport, which is A 7654 2345.

I will get my plastic card with the correct A 9522 1065. I hope the other details like the DOB are also correct.

Now, what should I do? The A# number on my plastic acard will be the correct one and the A# number which has been stamped on the passport is a different one.

Can I go to the INS office and restamp my passport with the correct A# number once I get my plastic card? Where should I go to rectify this mistake? Can I go to the airport where I did my POE to rectify this?

Please help me....this is driving me nuts.


This may help...

I also had the similar problem when I entered POE detroit, The officer entered incorrect a# on passport.
It is better to fix this problem from the source itself.
I found the POE phone no. from site and called them. They told me come personally to POE office and correct this problem. I went to POE and got this problem fixed. After making correct entry the officer signed at the bottom of page.
No Title

I was not knowing that A#s on the IV document , so didn\'t notice and in case that would have been wrong what can I do, i mean how to find that what was the number on the Packet

My wife has not made the entry so far still in india
No Title

I had only IV# on Immigrant Visa document which was A# later on.
How did you get 2 numbers?
There are 2 eight digit numbers

One starting with A and one starting with IV.

I got a initmation from INS that my card will arrive within 3 weeks time and the important alien number that they are mentioning is the eight digit number starting with A. But my passport has a alien number whish is eight digit number starting with IV.

I hope I am not confusing you guys.

But, can I go to the POE and correct it once I get my actual plastic card in hand.

Hi Philly,

What is the number that is stamped on your passport?

Is it the number statring with A # or the number starting iwth IV # from the immigration document that you got from Mumbai consulate.

Please be kind enough to tell me.