HELP: Green Card approved, Marriage on Dec ,


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I have good news and i have bad news , both are same. Card ordered mail is received today. Applied 5 years back and received the mail today , i am happy for it, But my marriage is scheduled this descember in India. Want to know how long it will take for me to bring my wife after marraige. Most of the people scared me it will take years.

Can you guys please tell me the options i have and how long it will take to bring my wife.
Hi s12345,

You can apply for the greencard after she is here. But your 1st is to get her with you in US.

1.Student visa
Try F1 student visa for your fiancee, b4 she becomes ur wife. A US degree will help her get good company jobs...and wont have to spend time at home, incase she is well educated and will like to work here. Plus she probably will get a job as an employee...rather than work as a consultant.

In my experience F1 would work only, if her visa interview is before your marriage.So that there is no established relation between u both. But this option will not be posible if she has not already started with the admissions for spring 2008.
2. H1 B: If she is qualified, she can get a H1 job in US. So that she can work here, till she gets a gc either through u or job which ever comes soon. As u know already, h1b processing will take almost a year.
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Thats what i have tried to say.....File F1 or H1 for her...independantly...nothing to do with her husband s12345.

Only AFTER she is here in USA, he should file for GC. That too as a precaution. Even if he applies for her gc after they get married..and then apply for whatever visa .....i dont think her visa will be rejected for pending gc application. But why run the risk of having to stay separate after marriage.So be safe.
Even if he applies for her gc after they get married..and then apply for whatever visa .....i dont think her visa will be rejected for pending gc application.
you can bet she will have every possible difficulty getting any kind of non-immigrant visa, since her LPR husband has applied for her immigration.
We not married yet, I was not even thingkin that i might get it , all set for my marrraige this year end, now i am screwed. If nothing worked out will surrender and get out. But before that i wanna see the options.
exactly.. if that is the case just get enguage and vist india every now and then.. or get married and visit india every now and then till u become a citizen in like 5 years and then file for her.
If F1 or H1 is going to over an year. THen no option ot file I130. If it takes more than a year then i will return the card and go back to india.

Well, you must LOVE this woman, that is commendable. But it is your decision, you knew it would be like this, best bet for you is to become an USC.
Well, you must LOVE this woman, that is commendable. But it is your decision, you knew it would be like this, best bet for you is to become an USC.

Was waiting for GC for all these years and once the visa numbers is unavailable thought it will be ok for marraige around January. So dates fixed for that timeframe. All of the sudden got the GC now, Will try to find a way like bringing her on H1 or F1 or apply for I130 and wait for some time (6 months) if no sign of paperwork then surrender the paperwork and go back to India and live with my lady there.
apply for I130 and wait for some time (6 months) if no sign of paperwork then surrender the paperwork and go back to India
is it me, or does this guy expect miracles? or did you mean 6 years?