Help!For I-730 beneficiaries.


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Help!Gilbert(For I-730 beneficiaries).


My wife and son just received notification in my homeland for interview with some important forms to be filled.Anyhow,I don't know how some colomns of the Form I-590 to be filled:

1)No.4 colomn of the form:"Country from which I fled or was
displaced","On or about (month/day/year)";

2)No.5 colomn:"Reasons (State in detail)";

3)No.6 colomn:"My present immigration status in____(country in
which residing) is _______","Evidence of my immigration status

4)No.17:"I have the following close relatives in the US".Need I
fill my name,relation and present address again here( as
already filled in No.7,8,9 colomn)?

5)No.18:"I am being sponsored by (name and address of United
States)".Does this sponsor means I?

As I cannot find instructions for filling this form on the internet,I have to ask those friends who has experience for urgent help.

Thank you very much in advance.
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I am very much surprised by this case.I thought asylees (relative) are not supposed to be subjected to an interview.Are you from one of the countries regarded as terrorist harbors?(Please I am not saying you are one)I just want to see if we could figure out more.Maybe its a new rule.You can also go to the following website( and go under message board type your questions for the attorney replies).How long did your family had this form.The other option would be to give your wife a detailed account of your asylum application so that it tallies with what she puts.This should be similar otherwise it might raise a sleeping issue if there are discrepencies.

Thank you so much for your suggestions.My homeland does not belong to any terrorist country.My wife and son received the notification seperately about one week ago,and the interview time is also different (between a 10 days gap).Anyhow I'll log on the website you advised and try to get some helpful instructions.

Thank you so much.
Actually every overseas I-730 beneficiary has to be interviewed by a DHS overseas office or the State Department. They are admitting you to the United States on a permanent basis. Would it be irresponsible to go without a live interview????????????????

I also want to note that especially since 9/11, they have been asking quite detailed questsions during these interviews. In a number of instances the interviews have actually raised suspicions of fraud and the files sent back to the States for further review. So I strongly recommend good preparations for these interviews.
Hi Gilbert,
please tell me do they interview canadians too or overseas only? If you know.....

Thank you so much for your valuable advice,Gilbert.

I'll manage to make appropriate preparations.Anyhow,for the specific form content I still need your suggestions.For instance,they ask which country the beneficiaries flee or displace,but actually they have not yet left the country!So how to answer this question?So as for the immigration status,how to reply and provide proof?I'm really confused.

I sincerely hope that some friends having the same experience may give their hands.

Thank you!
Just answer that the question does not apply to you and remind them that this is asylee follow-to-join ("VISA 92", in bureaucratic lingo) case.
Dear Gilbert,

Thank you so much for your hint, I think this is the best way to answer the questions.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.You always give us on-time solution full out.

Thank you again!

suzanr is a canadian citizen and I think her question is that if she was receiving the Follow to Join benefits after I-730 that will she be also called for an interview or is the interview only limited to people from overseas.

In my opinion the process will be the same for all the I-730 receipients and they all would be called for an interivew and I think these interviews are a routine because these people who are called for the interview do not have to demonstrate a fear of persecution.

Fear of persecution needs to be established only for the principal asylum applicant and not for the relatives who are to be reunited with the person who has been granted asylum.
Thank you Rasylee,
hope I will get some benefits. I don't mine to go for an interview.
My Congressmen told me decision will be reached till Dec 05/2003 but ......
If they decline we are moving to Canada. Enough is enough.

Two more questions:

1)Rregarding the "reason " column, need I specify like: "My husband is an asylee in the US, I'm beneficiary of I-730" , or: "N/A, this is asylee following-to-join case",which one is better?

2)Close relative including spouse or not?

Originally posted by Colomb

Two more questions:

1)Rregarding the "reason " column, need I specify like: "My husband is an asylee in the US, I'm beneficiary of I-730" , or: "N/A, this is asylee following-to-join case",which one is better?


2)Close relative including spouse or not?

