HELP!! EAD and i-864 guestions!!!!!


New Member
My husband and I filing for my GC ourselves from Northern VA! He is a citizen who is sponsoring me. We were filling out i-864 Affidavit of Support form, and it says in the instruction that we may enclose the form and accompanying documents in a sealed envelope to be opened only by the designeatd Gov official. Also at the end of the form there is a section where the gov official will sign. I am kind of confused about what to do, because we are filing this form along with all other forms needed for GC, and since we live in VA, we are sending all the forms to Vermont service center instead of local INS office. (Correct me if I am wrong) . So should we just send out the form with that part not signed by gov. ? If we do so, then how should we know who to designate the form to?????

Another question, we are applying for EAD, too. And it says in the instruction that I also need to submit I-765 signature card. I can\'t find it anywhere on the net, where can I get that in VA? and what exactly is it???

Please please someone help us!!!!!!!
No Title

You may have to try to get the application from a lawyer\'s office or a University.The signature card is not available on the net, though the form I-765 is.I am not sure if you get the signature card if you order direct on the net from the INS.
Signature Card

I am in the same situation as the che76. When I filled my i-864 Affidavit of Support form, I mailed it in to the local INS office and not the main service center. The first part that you are talking about - to my understanding, just send out the form with that part not signed by gov...I did that, and they never called me or sent my stuff back to get filled out by an INS officer.

In regards to the signature card - There is no such thing as the SIgnature Card according to the INS officer in Chicago. I looked all over for the card and finally decided to go ask INS personally. I waited 3 hours in line just to find out that the Signature Card does not exist. What is really weird is INS sent me a signature card when I requested it by the 1 800 number. So don;t worry aboy the signature card. They will send back all paperwork if something is not right with any one of your applications.