help! denied after missed third time oath, can I reapply

You can reapply immediately BUT you can request your OLD case to be reopened within a year from the denial date.
and Formerf1 said I have to wait 1 year.
what I should fowllow? Appreciate all your replies.

No read me again. I said you can request that your case be reopened within a year of denial for failure to attend oath multiple times. THIS IS FREE. So why would you reapply and waist time and money?
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Thanks, but what form I needed to file to re-open the case?
I really appreciate your help.

I think you need to send a letter to your DO including explaination for missing 3 ceremonies. I would write a very convicing letter attach all necessary supporting documents for failure to appear and schedule and infopass. When you get there demand to speak with a supervisor, briefly explain your situation and hand him the letter. If he asks that it be mailed, head right to the nearest post office mail it next day and join a retun receipt.

Good luck!
