Help - Cancel FP reschedule or do nothing?


Registered Users (C)
I only got my code 3 FP (2nd one) notice from my lawyer 3 days before the appoitment on Sat 2/11. The appointment was for VA and I am in Atlanta now. So I mailed a request to reschedule my FP to the VA ASC and move it to Atlanta ASC (as USCIS told me)

Here is the twist, I went to Atlanta ASC and got my FP's taken today per the appointment time. I did not tell them that the appt is for VA ASC neither did they ask.

Now what should I do....
1. Send another mail to VA ASC to cancel the rescheduling?
2. Do nothing?

Will this cause any problems on my case?

Any feedback will be appreciated.

My 2 cents

I had a simimlar situation. I filed the petition in NC. Then I moved to CA. A few days later, I got the FP notice which was scheduled in NC(already past the appointment date). I talked to attorney and he told me to go to the nearest ASC to have FP taken.

So, I went to an ASC near my home(CA) with notice and had my FP taken. They didn't even ask why I showed up in their center instead of NC.

A few months later, I got my GC.

This is just my experience. You can double-check with the attorney.
Thanks lei

Thanks Lei, very re-assuring. I talked to USCIS and they also told me that what I did is okay. I need not send a letter to VA ASC to cancel the request to re-schedule and since I have given my FP's at Atlanta ASC I am through to the next step.

With that I just have to wait I guess.......