HELP!!ADVISE!! I-551 and return from MUMBAI !!


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Hi All,
              I\'m currently in India and I found out that authorities at Mumbai Airport are not allowing (randomly) some people to RETURN to US if they do not have
    physical PLASTIC card. All this is happening after Sept 11. Obviously, I\'m concerned since I do not have plastic card but have unexpired I-551 stamp on my

    Have anybody returned from MUMBAI to US with the I-551 stamp ? Could you please share your experience ?? I\'m very concerned.

    Thanks to you all.......
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I dont know what u are talking about Dimply. Me and my wife came back to Los Angeles from Bombay with red stamp on Jan 6.
Came back with AP

I came back from Mumbai using AP on Jan 13th. Why would you have any issue with I-551? When I told the Immigration guy that I had Advance Parole, he said "What is that?". I showed him the AP, he was satisfied.
Dimple - Same here and no problem

I reached Int. Airport around 8.30 pm and after checking in , went straight to immig. line. There was hardly any line and the immig. officer made sure it was me travelling and stamped my passport. Same with customs. I then went in , ate at Oberoi and had a wonderful flight back to chicago....
good luck...
I came back with stamp with no problems or with some

I travelled back with only stamp on my passport from Mumbai to Newark on 18th Jan. without problem at Mumbai. Immigration officer at Mumbai verified stamp and asked " Do you have a Green card?" I answered "I did not receive my plastic card yet." Without any issues he handed my passport back and allowed me to go.
But, when I arrived at Newark, US immigration office could not find my info. on his computer after punching my A# , my name etc. So, he asked me to proceed to a Immigration room, where my passport was delivered in a plastic bag. Other immigration officer verified stamp on his computer and called me . He asked only one question " How did you get this Green card?" I answered " through employment " then he said "thank you " stamped my passport with stamp mentioning " admitted under 2 PR " and let me go. I was bit scary in that room because I could notice that INS officers were asking many questions to other people (there were 3 or 4 with me ). I also noticed one woman started crying while answering questions.
Hope this helps.
HELP!!ADVISE!! I-551 and return from MUMBAI

Thanks to you all for your feedback and opinions. Now I feel a bit comfortable. Just an FYI... I called up US embassy regarding the same matter, and they advised me to file I-90 ! I;m not sure whether I want to do that.

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I-90 is for replacement of lost/damaged plastic card, you don\'t need that as you are probably awaiting your original plasctic card from service center. you are fine with I-551 stamp on your passport .. don\'t worry.