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Hello, I just submitted my entry but I found out that there was an issue with my picture, is it over for me?


New Member
hello everyone I have a question regarding my submission, I just made my entry to the program but it seems that there is an issue with the picture I submitted, apparently, after I ended my submission I check the picture on the tool provided on the website and when I upload it there, it shows this message:

Your photo has been rejected for the following reason(s):​

  • The image is overly compressed. Please use a compression ratio that is less than 20:1

Is my entry completely denied now?

thank you for your answer
It really doesn’t matter at this point if you already successfully submitted and received your confirmation number. So just wait until the results are released in May to formally find out if your entry is successful or not.
It really doesn’t matter at this point if you already successfully submitted and received your confirmation number. So just wait until the results are released in May to formally find out if your entry is successful or not.
I'm just curious if someone has already been picked up even with this kind of error, tbh I just to make myself feel better since I regret not having checked my picture beforehand :(
You realize there are millions of applicants of which some thousands of those get selected each year? And of the thousands who get selected, only a small number of those are registered on this platform? So hoping to get any useful response to this question is like asking “how long is a piece of string”.
hello everyone I have a question regarding my submission, I just made my entry to the program but it seems that there is an issue with the picture I submitted, apparently, after I ended my submission I check the picture on the tool provided on the website and when I upload it there, it shows this message:

Your photo has been rejected for the following reason(s):​

  • The image is overly compressed. Please use a compression ratio that is less than 20:1

Is my entry completely denied now?

thank you for your answer
We are in the same boat. Did not check the photo on the photo tool before the registration. I got the same message. Overly compressed picture means the quality is too low and
my photo was 19kb. It supposed to be no more than 240k but 19kb is very low.