Heeeeee Haaaaaaaaw - Texas Style :)

If Mario's oath was little early, I would have advised him to stay home and not go anywhere at all. Ok Mario, at-least not too much booze or liqour filled choclates... I am sure your wife is keeping you in check :D

Thanks for the wishes. I can't tell you how relieved I feel. It's really strange - I'm trying to rewind the clock to feel what it was like when I received my GC about 10 yrs. ago, and it's almost like this is 100 times more fulfilling - mainly because at this point I have pretty much lived my whole adult life in the US.... I came here as a young 18 yr. old student 20+ yrs. ago and my kids are USC's.....
Yes, Johnny Cash freaked me out a little, but the funny thing is that this morning on my way to work (before reading the BBS), I thought to myself that I should be extra careful with speeding - because that's the most common reason to get pulled over (DUI or going nuts otherwise is not an issue for me - I'm not that silly). Even though it would be a minor traffic issue, I wouldn't want to be explaining stuff to IO's on my oath day! I even told my wife that - just try and be extra careful on the road. Flydog hit the nail on the head - I feel the same way now - there's this carrot at the end of the line and I just need to go grab it and make sure no other bunny (or IO) takes it away.....


Your point is well taken. It makes a lot of sense. Fortunately (in this situation), I'm not 18 yrs old :) (although I'd like to be in a lot of other scenarios)............. so I tend to keep my partying habits well under control. I'm usually the designated drinker, while my wife's the designated driver :) As far as that woman who went nuts in your example and killed people - well, what can I say - sounds like she deserved what she got. But I do see your point - you never know what could happen - it always seems that when you try to be extra careful, something goes wonky.


Sorry to dash your hopes - not quite 2 gallons - more like 1.87 - after that I don't remember what happened :)
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Congratulations Mario ! It seems that you've had a longer wait than some others between your interview and oath. I remember your posts wondering if you might be stuck in some kind of background check after the interview. I am glad to hear that that was not the case and that you and your wife will be reaching the end of the citizenship journey soon (hope to make it there myself in a few months).

I didn't/don't mean to freak anyone out, nor I want to ruin anyone's party over here; rather I've just given an advisory opinion especially when I always provide my help to immigrants and look out their best interests. The above-stated case of a particular woman should be an eye-opener of reality because things do/can happen sometimes even though we never expect them to be happening even in our wildest dreams. She was a 43 yrs, and not a 18 yrs old. And nonone was killed in that accident; rather some of her friends were injured who were in her car at that time.

Like I said earlier that if it's not drinking then it could be something else. For example, in another case a 37 yrs old man got involved in a heated arugment with his neighbors after his N-400 got approved. Cops were called in. Both parties were charged for Aggrevated assult even though there wasn't any physical fight/hitting rather just heated arguments. Now some may disagree on deporting someone on the conviction of Aggrevated assult but then people should know that Immigration laws go along with state criminal laws. These cases are just the reality that things (and laws) have changed after 9/11. A lot of folks mistakenly believe/think that they are US citizen once their N-400 gets approved, or in other word-they dance over the chandlier...which could lead them to something that they never thought of...

Again, just my opinion based upon what I know....

Yes, people should be careful all the times. But it's a proven fact that people feel something else whenever they get some kinds of Immigration benefit. There is nothing wrong in feeling so, but my whole point is if something goes wrong prior to being a US citizen then immigrants could face deportation aside from criminal prosectution.