Heard it through the gravevine - APPROVED

dang girl

You are racking up "congrats" messages! hehe

I have never seen anyone get so many replies in such a short time.

Previously i thought guys just needed a girl... but looks like all they need is a girl's name! :D

Anyway congrats.

Pop the cris tonigh!
Re: dang girl


anyways gupta good luck to you fellow newyorker

Originally posted by patienceGC
You are racking up "congrats" messages! hehe

I have never seen anyone get so many replies in such a short time.

Previously i thought guys just needed a girl... but looks like all they need is a girl's name! :D

Anyway congrats.

Pop the cris tonigh!

To all you doubters out there. I swear to you
Anita really is a chick and a hot one at that.
Let the word go forth.
A hot chick on a forum is similar to a covergirl on a playboy mag.

Can't do anything with her.
Anita, I would have taken anyone's word but for Chicken65 & dang that he is the only one who got to see your pic (and your sunglasses)..

So I have no other choice but to see you in person and ask you out for a cup of celebratory coffee!

I will be passing through NYC soon - happy to take you out :)

Congrats, Anita.
Rumors were that since people started hitting on you at the board
you quit coming here!!!???!!!
dudes she is probably married!

She got her green card so I am guessing she is.... taken!

Mr.Gupta will not appreciate your comments.

Is it true that chicken65 got to see her pic?

Dang that aint fair! :mad:
Lamborghini :

You're trying the Desi style of pataauing. Ask Anita Gupta directly, man...
"Aati kya Khandala ?"