HDFC visa fee receipts lost


New Member
We are in US and are going to India in June 2006. The contact person in India who got the visa fee receipts for us from HDFC has lost them.

What can be done now? Any help will be appreciated.
Hello Jollyjee !
Saw your post in the immigrationportal website. Seems you had lost your HDFC receipt. The same is the case with me. I am in the US and used the rceipt number to get the appointment.
But now my India contact has lost the receipt. Can you tell me what is is it that you did.

I saw some where else that a receipt has to be re-purchased.

Any help from you will be appreciated.
My parents lost the visa fee reciepts as well. they have appointment this friday.

Any body know what to do now? do we have to cancel the appointment or is there anyother way of doing this?
thanks a bunch.

My parents too lost the HDFC receipt. Then we contacted VFS and also sent mail to Chennai Embassy asking them what to do? They responded to our mail asking us to carry new HDFC receipt with old or lost HDFC receipt number.

So as a proof, i took a copy of mail received from Embassy.

It all worked well and my parents got Visa also.
Hdfc recepit with incorrect name

My friend took the HDFC recepit number with incorrect name.. Can I able to change it . What is the procedure for changing it.. Any one face the same situtation