Haven\'t seen many approvals lately what\'s happening at TSC?

Wish we knew

Not seen many myself. For a couple weeks there I was optimistic that they were really starting to move and then nothing.

Whenever I see lulls in approval messages like this I temper it with the fact that not every Adjustee posts their details on the various immigration boards. Also, there are so many board lurkers who will take information from the boards but once their approval is done they stop coming back and worse they don\'t post their details, leaving us guessing if something is happening at the Service Centers.
Yes. I also noticed this. That\'s human nature. There are some

people who gives expert advice, and some people posts 1000 messages until it approved and once they approved they will leave without a trace. I can understand your frustration, but it will not effect TSC processing, isn\'t it?
My lawyer says....

That they are seeing an increase in approvals. I checked
specifically at the law office and this is what they told me
as of last week.
Any trend?!

Hey Char: Do your lawyers notice any trends or is it extremely random (12/2001 cases being approved before 05/2001, etc.)? Any news on FP trends?