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Have you heard children medical exam do not pass?


Registered Users (C)
Have you heard children medical exam do not pass in DV? If yes, what is the problem? I just want to know more, thank you!
All family members should be healthy and theyshould appear for medical , including children.
And all mwmbers appearing for medical should pass the medical. Or else they might not get visa.
i think the reason one has to go thro tha medical exam is to determine whether one is eligible for a visa issuance. why do they then instruct one to undergo the medical exam then? am jus thinking it loud :)
and i guess where any of the family member is diagonised with a communicable disease then it affects ones eligibility to get a visa.unless u have a proof u are under medication.
As the other users already responded : all applicants have to pass the medical exams to prove that they are not and will not become a liability in case of visa issuance and the GC.
For that reason, if a child of a primary applicant will not pass the exam than that affects the elgibility for a visa of the primary applicant and therego the eligibility of a visa to any other secondary applicant related to the primary application
Thank you for your reply. I mean what kind of problem occurred in children may refuse the visa? Such as skin allergies, too fat and so on, thank you!
I believe one applicant was also questioned recently regarding their ability to take care of a medical condition they had (i.e., that they had sufficient finances or access to healthcare). It is very clear what is not acceptable in terms of medical conditions on their website, but it's also important to note that they may question you if a member of the family in the application has a serious or expensive medial problem. I don't know if they can exclude you for that reason, but they may ask about it nonetheless. To see the list of inadmissible medical conditions go to their website.

