Have PCC ready when should I send


Registered Users (C)
I have already submitted my application and got my file no.But I did not submit the PCC along with it.But I have my PCC from India and the Fingerprint from US ready with me.Can I send it write away or should I wait until they ask me ? My PCC from India will be expiring in 2 months ....what should I do?



Thanks for ur reply.So I should send the PCC and should I wait till they request for my FP from US(I got the FP from the FBI last month).

While sending the PCC,is it enough to send the name,address & File no details.Should I mention any other details while sending it?


Send both the Indian PCC and FBI clearance. Write a cover letter mentioning that you sending the clearance. Also mention your file number and the category under which you have applied.
The link which u have sent was last updated on dec 2004.But the buffalo side has been updated on mar-2005.Usually on going to buffalo site from cic.gc.ca.....most of the time it does not show the updated version.This happened to me once......I checked the fees from going to the buffalo site thru the cic.gc.ca and it did not show the updated fees when it changed recently.But it was updated in http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/can-am/buffalo/menu-en.asp......

http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/can-am/buffalo/visas/police_certificate-en.asp - has the latest updated version.(mar-2005)

http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37048.pdf - has the old version(dec-2004)

PR application form specific question

I am in the process of applying for the Canadian PR. I am stuck at the section in the application form where I have to provide the passport numbers and the photos of my father, mother and sister. They are NOT accompyning me to Canada. I am single.

Did I understand that part correctly? Do I have to provide the passport numbers and the photos of my father, mother and sister even if they are not coming accompanying me to Canada?? Please help. I am confused.

vvdv2003 said:
I have already submitted my application and got my file no.But I did not submit the PCC along with it.But I have my PCC from India and the Fingerprint from US ready with me.Can I send it write away or should I wait until they ask me ? My PCC from India will be expiring in 2 months ....what should I do?



I have a question for you.

How did you get your Police clearance letter? Did you just go to your local county records office (in U.S.)??? I just called up the records office and seems like they do not even need my fingerprints. I am totally confused.

I can't connect the dots between the Fingerprints and the police clearance record? Coudl you please explain the procedure in gettign PCC from the U.S.??

haardy_1998 said:
I have a question for you.

How did you get your Police clearance letter? Did you just go to your local county records office (in U.S.)??? I just called up the records office and seems like they do not even need my fingerprints. I am totally confused.

I can't connect the dots between the Fingerprints and the police clearance record? Coudl you please explain the procedure in gettign PCC from the U.S.??


You need a FBI clearance from the US and PCC from all the countries
you have lived in since your 18th birthday

Do a search for "FBI Fingerprints" or refer to these old threads, which give all the necessary info

FBI Fingerprint Info


PCC from India


You can get the police certificate for India(in case ur nationality is Indian)from the Indian consulate in ur place(or ur consulate in ur place).It takes about a month to get it after the application.There will stamp in ur passport as well as they will give u a print out which will be ur Police certificate for India(or which ever country u belong to).

Police certificate for US is the FBI fingerprint.I got my finger printing from a private fingerprinting store(UPS store).It could also be got from the DMV office.Check the canadian consulate of Buffalo site for information on fingerprinting in US.Then mail that along with the form (where all ur address should be filled) to the FBI in West Virginia.It could around 10 weeks to receive the result back from them.This will be the police certificate for USA.

Good Luck.
How to Fill Up the Forms

I noticed that a lot of the questions posted on how to fill up the form can be answered if one looked at the Canadian Immigration (govt) website.

Anyway, I am attaching a PDF file. If I am not mistaken, starting from page 18 of the attached file, you will find out how to fill up the forms.

As for the police clearance, you must get a police clearance from all places/countries where you lived for at least 6 months since you reached 18 years old.

I included all my police clearances except the FBI Rap Sheet (US Police clearance) in my application (which I sent last July). My application was accepted by the Buffalo office.

I had a chance to e-mail a Canadian immigration officer who visited my University in March 2005. At the time that I filed, she advised me to get my FBI clearance already. I got my FBI clearance 2 days ago. I will write her again to inquire what I should do with the clearance and I will inform you all of her reply once i get it.
Getting a police clearance from the US

1. I downloaded the FBI Rap Sheet form from the FBI website.
2. I called my local police station to set an appointment for fingerprinting.
3. I went to my local police station to have my rap sheet form fingerprinted. The cost was $10.
4. The I submitted my fingerprinted rap sheet form, together with a cover letter, and a money order for $18 to the FBI. I also included the form from the Canadian immigration website which requests foreign goverments to provide the applicant a police clearance for immigration purposes. Make sure to fill up this Canadian immigration form and include it with your FBI rap sheet application.
5. I sent my application to the FBI 2 weeks of June. I got my FBI rap sheet (with a stamp from the FBI that says "No Arrest Record") in the 2nd week of August (or 2 months from the time I applied).


This is what the FBI website states:

An FBI Identification Record, often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military service. If the fingerprints are related to an arrest, the Identification Record includes name of the agency that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI, the date of arrest, the arrest charge, and the disposition of the arrest, if known to the FBI. All arrest data included in an Identification Record is obtained from fingerprint submissions, disposition reports and other reports submitted by agencies having criminal justice responsibilities.

The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own Record for review. The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests.

Reasons for Request
An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country (i.e., police certificate, letter of good conduct, criminal history background, etc.)
Can I request my own record for an employment background check?
If you are requesting a background check for employment or licensing within the United States, you may be required by state statute or federal law to submit your request through your state identification bureau, requesting federal agency or other authorized channeling agency. You should contact the agency requiring the background check or the appropriate state identification bureau (or state police) for the correct procedures to follow for obtaining an FBI fingerprint background check for employment or licensing purposes. For more information, click here.

Who May Request a Copy of Record
(or Proof that a Record Does Not Exist)
Only the subject of the identification record can request a copy of his own FBI Identification Record.
How to Request a Copy of Record
1. Prepare a signed written request for copy of your record.
• If for a couple, family, etc., all persons must sign written request
• Include your complete mailing address
• If you have a deadline (e.g., an immigration deadline), please include the deadline in your written request and on the outside of the envelope.
2. Obtain proof of identity, which consists of a set of your fingerprints
(original card, no copies), with your name, date of birth and place of
birth. Fingerprints should be placed on a standard fingerprint form
(FD-258) commonly used for applicant or law enforcement purposes.
• Include rolled impressions of all ten fingerprints and impressions of all ten fingerprints taken simultaneously (these are sometimes referred to as plain or flat impressions.)
• If possible have your fingerprints taken by a fingerprinting technician (this service may be available at a Law Enforcement Agency.)
• Previously processed fingerprint cards will not be accepted.
3. Include $18 - U.S. dollars in the form of a money order or certified check
made payable to the Treasury of the United States. Be sure to sign
where required.
• No personal checks or cash
• Must be exact amount
• If for a couple, family, etc., include $18 for each person
4. Mail the items #1, #2, #3 (listed above) to the following address:
FBI CJIS Division – Record Request
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
Please Note: If any of the above items are missing or incomplete, the request will be returned.
How to Fill Up the Forms (PR - Skilled Worker)

How to Complete the Forms

The following text does not contain instructions for all the boxes on the forms. Most questions are clear; instructions are provided only when necessary. Note the following:
. • Print clearly with a black pen or use a typewriter.
. • Attach a separate sheet of paper if you need more space and indicate the number of the question you are answering.
. • You must answer all questions. If you leave any sections blank, your application will be returned to you and processing will be delayed. If any sections do not apply to you, answer “N/A” (“Not applicable”).
. • If your application is accepted and information you provide on the forms changes before you arrive in Canada, you must inform, in writing, the visa office to which you applied. You must do this even if your visa has already been issued.

WARNING! It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information on this form. We may check to verify your responses. Misrepresentation will result in a two-year ban from entering Canada.
Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM 0008)
To be completed by:
• You, as the principal applicant At the top of this form, you will find three boxes:
Box 1: Category under which you are applying...
Check the “Economic class” box.
Box 2: How many family members...
Write the total number of people included in your application, including yourself and any family members, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not.
Family members include your:
. • Spouse: A husband or wife of the opposite sex
. • Common-law partner: A person of the opposite or same sex with whom you have lived in a conjugal relationship for at least one year
. • Dependent children: Daughters and sons, including children adopted before the age of 18, who: • are under the age of 22 and do not have a spouse or common-law partner;

• have been continuously enrolled as full-time students and financially supported by their parents since turning 22 (or from the date of becoming a spouse or common-law partner if this happened before the age of 22); or
• have substantially depended on the financial support of their parents since before turning 22 and are unable to support themselves due to a medical condition.
Box 3: Language you prefer for...
Correspondence: Decide which of English or French you are more comfortable reading and writing, and check the appropriate box.
Interview: You may be selected for an interview. Interviews can be conducted in English or French. You may also be interviewed in another language of your choice; however, you will be responsible for the cost of hiring an interpreter.
Instructions for filling out the rest of the form are listed below:
1. 1. Print your full family name (surname) as it appears on your passport or on the official documents that you will use to obtain your passport. Print all of your given names (first, second or more) as they appear on your passport or official documents. Do not use initials.
2. 5. If you are a citizen of more than one country, give details on a separate page.

1. 10. This section requires you to give details of your past marriages or common-law relationships. If you have never had a spouse or common-law partner other than your current one, check the “No” box and proceed to Question 11. If you have, check the “Yes” box and provide the details requested. If you have had more than two previous spouses or common-law partners, give details on a separate page.
.12. Check the box that best describes the highest level of education you have completed. If you have not completed secondary school, check the “No secondary” box.
. • Secondary education: the level of schooling after elementary and before college, university, or other formal training. Also called high school.
. • Trade/Apprenticeship: completed training in an occupation, such as carpentry or auto mechanics.
. • Non-university certificate/diploma: training in a profession that requires formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or engineering technician).
. • Bachelor’s degree: An academic degree awarded by a college or university to those who complete the undergraduate curriculum; also called a baccalaureate. Examples include a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Education.
. • Master’s degree: An academic degree awarded by the graduate school of a college or university. Normally, you must have completed a Bachelor’s degree before a Master’s degree can be earned.
. • PhD: the highest university degree, usually based on at least three years graduate study and a dissertation. Normally, you must have completed a Master’s degree before a PhD can be earned.

1. 14. This is the address we will use to mail correspondence regarding your application. Print your address in English and, if applicable, also in your own native script.
2. 19. Identity cards issued by a foreign national, provincial, municipal or other government, as well as cards issued by a recognized international agency such as the Red Cross, can be used to identify yourself. If you have such a card, print the number in the space provided. Photocopy both sides of the card and attach the photocopy to your application. If you do not have an identity card, print “N/A”.

Details of family members
There is space for three family members on this form. If you have more than three family members, photocopy this page before you start to fill it in so you have enough space for everyone.

Given name(s)
Print all of your family members’ given names (first, second or more) as they appear on their
passports or official documents. Do not use initials.

Country of citizenship
If your family member is a citizen of more than one country, give details on a separate page.

Relationship to you
Indicate whether the family member is your spouse, common-law partner, daughter or son.

Will accompany you to Canada
Tell us if your family member will come to Canada with you. He or she must immigrate before the visa expires, but may arrive in Canada after you.

Indicate the level of education your family member has successfully completed. Use the categories listed in Question 12.

Ask a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each of your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. The required number of photos for each individual is indicated in Appendix A, under Photos.
Photos must comply with specifications given in Appendix C, Photo Specifications. Make sure you give a copy of these specifications to the photographer.
. • On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birth of the person appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.
. • Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name, date of birth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close the envelope with a paper clip.
. • Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.

Background / Declaration (IMM 0008, Schedule 1)
To be completed by:
. • You
. • Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not)
. • Your dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not)

1. 1. Write all of your given names. Do not use initials.
2. 6. Indicate your current status in the country where you now live (for example, citizen, permanent resident, visitor, refugee, no legal status, etc.).

1. 10. Provide details of all secondary and post-secondary education. Begin with the most recent program completed.
2. 11. You must account for every month since your 18th birthday. Under “Activity”, print your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, enter what you were doing (for example, unemployed, studying, travelling, etc.). Attach another sheet if necessary.
3. 15. Give a complete address including the street, town or city, province or region, and country. If there was no street or street number, explain exactly the location of the house or building. You must account for every month during the past 10 years. Do not use post office (P.O.) box addresses.

Read the statements carefully. Sign and date in the boxes provided. By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, truthful, and correct. If you do not sign, the application will be returned to you.

Economic Classes -Skilled Workers (IMM 0008, Schedule 3)
To be completed by:
• You, as the principal applicant
1. 3. If you have an offer of employment that has been approved by Human Resources Development Canada, tick the “Yes” box and give the name of your potential employer. See Factor 5: Arranged Employment for more information.
2. 5. Use the instructions under Factor 2: English and French Language Ability to help you determine your ability in English and French.

1. 10. “Funds” refers to money in Canadian dollars, and includes the value of any property you own. It does not include jewellery, cars or other personal assets.
2. 11. To Determine your National Occupational Code (NOC), refer to the instructions in the Will You Qualify? section of this guide.
Continuation - How to Fill Up the Forms (PR - Skilled Worker)

Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
To be completed by:
. • You
. • Your spouse or common-law partner (whether accompanying you to Canada or not)
. • Your dependent children aged 18 or over (whether accompanying you to Canada or not)

It is very important that you list on this form any other children (even if they are already permanent residents or Canadian citizens) that you, your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children might have who are not included in your Application for Permanent Residence. This includes
. • married children
. • adopted children
. • step-children
. • any of your children who have been adopted by others
. • any of your children who are in the custody of an ex-spouse, common-law partner or other

guardian You must answer all questions. If any sections do not apply to you, answer “N/A”.
FBI Fingerprint Card

Quick two questions.

How many FBI fingerprint car do we need to send for police record check? I think you need only one, but I was told at the private fingerprinting service center that I need two.

PC-1 form (or letter) in the Appendix B (Application for Permant Residence-Skilled Worker), do we need to submit this with the fingerprint card? It asks to list all addresses and dates of residences.
You only need to submit one finger print card and yes, you need to include the Canadian immigration appendix (duly completed) with the card.

They encash the check at the time of processing so that'll be around 8 weeks from the time that the FBI receives your application.
for what its worth

I called the Canadian office in Detroit - they told me to submit all the PCC's upfront and not seperately