Has NSC slowed down again?

Kalpa Veerakesari

Registered Users (C)
Haven\'t seen any approvals for a couple of weeks. What the hell is happening? Seems like NSC works for one week and then takes a one month break. Any comments?
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I am not surprised by this. In the last five years, I have
seen them taking summer off. Christmas off. Winter off. Etc. off.
I realized that only I have not taken off in the last 5
years except one visit to India for 25 days.
Coming to bench first time in 5 years. Planning big vacation
next month no matter what INS does. Who cares. My company
promised all of us that they will not, **at least one more
quarter**, fire any one.
Good Luck to all of you.
EB3, PD 2/1997, I485 RD 12/2000, FP 04/2001, Waiting......
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I-485 approved. Spoke to IIO @ Nebraska this morning around 11:00 am and that\'s when she uttered the magic words "your case has been approved". My wife\'s also got approved.

Thanks to the chat board and all the folks. Hang in there everyone will be approved soon.

Here are the case Details:

PD: 12/23/98 (EB2 -RIR)
RD: 4/20/00
ND: 5/8/00
FP: 1/27/01 (Detroit)
Case #: LIN-00-158-*****
AD: 6/26/01

Thanks once again to everyone.