Has anyone tried FP at local INS (FP redo)


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My FP got expired about 4 months ago and i have not receive any FP reschdule notices so far.. Has anyone tried FP redo at Local INS office with out reschdule notices...Please post your comments...

FP at local BachMan Lake office

Our fingerprints had expired in May 2001, having not received a FP redo for so long - we took our chances and went with out old notices on Oct. 19th - initially the person at the front desk said that we HAD to have our new notices, but after a little bit of "whining" (about our cases having taken so long etc. etc.) and requesting, he agreed and we got our FPs done.

-Maybe you can try your luck at the draw..........though I know of some cases that have been sent back without the new notices........
What docs are needed to take...

I don\'t have my old FP notices with me as they have taken by FP officer when we had talken first time....

Can you please let me know what docs you have taken ?

How long after 2nd FP?

I received a 2nd FP notice after faxing a request to officer 096 at TSC (as told by immigration officer). What is the process after doing the FP, How long does it get stuck with FBI? any ideas?

PD 07/98
RD 12/99
2ndFP 10/2001
Normally less than a week

I asked help from Congressional office and got my second FP
notice within a week. Haven\'t done it yet, but I did a search
in this website. It seems it only takes FBI a few days to clear
FP, but INS may not accept them for some reason. Wondering how
long TSC will need after second FP.

RD: 03/00, ND: 04/00, FP: 05/00, expired 09/01, second FP 11/01
Why should INS not accept FP?

you said \'but INS may not accept them for some reason\'. Did you or
someone whom you know have any such experience?
In my case the only reason INS said that the case is not moving is because the FP expired.

Also I noticed that your 2nd FP date seems to be 11/01. The FP processing center has no objections in taking these at an earlier date.