Has anyone gone through this same experience: Petition update.

I'm in same boat here. My mother got sponsored for permanent residence in 1995. Her I130 got approved in mid 2001, I140 in sept 2001, I485 in dec 2001. I aged out in oct 2000. I have filed I-130 (2B) in 2/2002, family based. Got approved on 5/2005. When my parents apply for citizenship in 9/2006 and receive it the visa availability should have already covered my PD of 2/2002 and will bump me up to 1st class... but from what it looks like it will take another 3 years for my I485 to go thru at the rate it is going now? This is NYC.
You know Ces even if you get upgraded to F1 you will probably have to wait for a lot of folks are doing what you plan to do so F1 is currently stuck.when your mom finally have her citizen certificate then check the bulletin if it is wise to upgrade for f2b did a lot of moving these past few months if it continue this way you will not need to upgrade.When a petition is being upgraded you do not get the green card immediately you still have to wait for the procedure to take its course which maybe a year or little more than a year.
chills said:
Thanks for your concern. See, my problem is that I built a relationship with someone online, a year and a few months now, and she lives in another country. I was brought here by my parents on a student, so it wasn't my choice. My father brought us here and abandoned us. Well my mom filed a petition for me when I graudated high school, which was in 2002, and I've been waiting since then. Since then, I met the girl I told you about, and we have gotten really close. We want to someday get married and have kids but this immigration issue and her custody battle that she is going through atm, makes it hard on our relationship. Since her kids can't legally travel without her ex agreeing to it--which will never happen-- I'm going to be the one that has to move for us to be together. My problem is that if I move now, I may not be able to come back in this country for another 10 years; that would hurt me alot because I love my family and I want to be able to visit them, but at the same time, I love her and I want to start a life with her. We have already been waiting for a year now because of my immigrant situation and with these estimated times I'm hearing, it might be 3 years before we can be together, and I can travel back here to visit my family. The thing is that I don't want to wait that long, my girlfriend is currently31 and if we are to have kids it has to be within the next few years.

It's a hard situation. Ultimately, I think I'm going to have to give up seeing my family for 10 years in order to be with her.

Hey Chills, I understand your situation...I'm waiting for my Citizenship interview which should be arriving pretty soon. Then i'm planning in upgrading my husband's I-130 to IR. His I-130 has allready been approved, actually it took less than a year for it to get approved. Since I am a permanent resident my husband's petition is seating at the National Visa Center waiting until a visa is available for him, which could take about 3 to 4 years. But since I am upgrading his petition, he will not have to wait for a visa to be available. As soon as the upgrade takes place his petition will be forwarded to the consular post and hopefully it will only take about 4 to 5 months for us to be together.

Think about it Chills, you might not have to wait for too long to get your greend card. And sweety, I think you should think twice before you make such an important decision; I think you should look at all sides of the situation. Let me tell you, I love my husband and I usually travel to see him at least every 4 months. But I don't think I would be able to leave my life and my family here in the United States. Don't get me wrong but even he understands that it would be extremelly difficult for me to leave the country where i grew up, to go live in a country where I have not spent more than 3 months since I was 12 years old.

Another thing is, what would happens if it doesn't works out? You would be in a country which you're not accostume to, without a way out. Are you willing to take that risk? By what you said, it seems like your relationship to this woman is only an online/phone relationship. But you must take in consideration that there's a diff. between an online/phone relationship and a physical relationship. Think about it, you are only getting one side to the picture...are you sure you're going to like the other side? I am not saying that what you guys have is not a relationship, all I am saying is that it is missing an important part to make a serious relationship work.

Look at it this way....Let's say I invite you to a 3 day party which is 1000 miles from your home....after arriving at the party you notice that you don't like the people at the party, you don't like the music, the food, and so on...you decided that you don't want to stay at the party and want to leave immediately....ummmm, did i forget to mention that you don't have no money to take the bus/plane/train back home, nobody is available to pick you up and ummmm, the most important part is that I don't want to leave the party because I'm having a great time. How would you feel chills?

Oh and by the way, I don't mean to be a Bit**...But if this girl thinks you moving w/out a Green Card and not being able to see your family for 10 years is ok...then I must say that she's very selfish.
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Thanks for your concern. No, she doesn't think it's ok, she thinks I should wait but I don't know how long the wait will be. I love her more than anything, and I don't want to lose her by the hands of time. And, what you're saying about us not having a physical relationship yet is totally reasonbale, but here's the thing-- we have such a deep bond, I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but there are times when you just know that someone is ment for you and that that person is the only one for you. I can't imagine myself with anyone else, and alot of things have happened in coincidence in our relationship that you can call destiny, but I just feel that she is the one.

I know it's a hard decision to make, but I feel like immigration isn't speeding anything up. We have already been together for a year now, and it's very hard being apart. The thing with your situation is that at least you're able to visit your husband, me and this girl have NEVER MET. It's just unfortunate that immigration works as slowly as they do.
I'm just really fed up that's all. I'm 21 now and my whole life here I haven't had the chance to truely be free or have my own life in my hands. I've never been able to do the things that kids here have been able to do when I was a teenager. I just feel like my whole adolescense has been robbed from me, and now that I've found the one true special thing in my life, I can't get that either.
To Chills

I want to give you some unsolicited advice that I know you will not follow, but I will tell you anyway because you seem like such a great guy and I would hate for someone like you to be taken for granted.

Well, I just want to tell you that the best thing you can do right now is to wait for your petition. Be patient and you will reap your rewards later. You say that you feel your adolescence has been robbed off of you, and yet you are willing to let your young adulthood be robbed off of you and be subjected to married life and become a father quite so instantly? Do think about what you are about to get into. Do not sacrifice your family to be with someone whom you have never met. You are only 21! You are soooo young! I know that you've been through a lot and you feel a lot more mature than you really are, but I can tell you right now that a 21 year old young man and a 31 year old woman with kids really have nothing in common but the frustration, sadness, and problems that you both feel. YOU REALLY ARE STILL YOUNG! Do you know what it's like to be a step-father? What if it doesn't work out? Do you know what it's like to be in another country without a home to come back to? Get your green card first! That is what will save you from a lot of pain, and if you are really meant to be with your girlfriend, then you can petition her when the time comes. I really don't want to be so harsh, but sometimes I get into "the big sister" mode because I was young once, not too long ago...really, so I know what it's like, I know it's frustrating, but trust me, things will get better for you. You feel like you love this person but honestly, you can not love someone who you've never met. You are relating to each other because you are both in need. You feel like it's love right now but you are sooo young. You're only 21! Please listen to me as if I were your big sister talking to you. I am not clouded over with infatuation so I can see more clearly. If you don't take my advice, it's okay, I wish you all the best for your future.

Regarding F2b petition being upgraded to f1 it is such a frustrating wait. My father filed I130 petition for me and my sisters 1997 when he was just an immigrant he became a us citizen 2002. Here in the philippines the priority date for f2b petition currently being processed july 1996 while f1 petition is aug 1991. Upgrading our petition to f1 is not really an upgrade instead it is a downgrade situation. My father acquiring his us citizenship is NOT a big help at all but a huge disaappointment and frustration with regards to the petition.
What a dissapointment for you?Your father did'nt know that before he naturalized.How about F3 ?Is there someone you love that you can marry?How is dates going for that?Check it out and see but once your father have his citizen he have to Notify NVC.