Has anybody faced this?


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Hi all,

I recd a RFE for employment verification. The same stuff. But the problem I have got is that I have been promoted more than once during the GC process. Now I have a manger title but the GC was filed for a developer role. But the job profile ( What I do) has not changed at all. I continue to do what I was doing 4 years ago - Code and test. There are people working for me as well.

My attorney says that this is a big issue and he needs to do more research. He also mentions that the application could be denied as well. Has nobody been on the same boat?

LIN-02-076 ( RD 01/03/02)

Your attorney should first take his head out of his A**. While he/she may be technically correct is this not what he is paid to do. He is paid to argue your case on a common sense basis. Is he not handling similar cases where this is not a unique issue. Maybe he is making it out to be more than what it is to charge a higher fee.

As long as the job duties are similar you could add full/part of your old title to the Manager bit and get by. Maybe its time you looked around for another attorney - Rajiv Khanna perhaps??

Rsur is right!!!!
He needs to perform the research and represent you. there must have been more cases just like yours, he does not need to look that far to research.
let us know what have come out of it?

Good luck, buddy.
Dont you worry at all, This attorney is trying to screw you up if he is saying what you just told here. spend some money and get a good attorney if you are not comfortable with your current attorney. He suppose to tell you the way out from this not to upset you.... if I were you I would get rid of him ASAP.

Originally posted by malis
Hi all,

I recd a RFE for employment verification. The same stuff. But the problem I have got is that I have been promoted more than once during the GC process. Now I have a manger title but the GC was filed for a developer role. But the job profile ( What I do) has not changed at all. I continue to do what I was doing 4 years ago - Code and test. There are people working for me as well.

My attorney says that this is a big issue and he needs to do more research. He also mentions that the application could be denied as well. Has nobody been on the same boat?

LIN-02-076 ( RD 01/03/02)

Acturally, you attorney needs to do nothing but attach a letter from your employer stating your job responsibility which should be the same or similar to your LC. title is not a big issue. Some folks did this by themselves.
The title should not matter as much

as the job description. My title mentioned in all my filings is VP of Marketing but I believe that my labor certification was certified with the title Sales Manager.
Thanks all for the responses. He has come back today saying that there is a way but still will have to mention my title which is manager. That is my concern. He said he will come up with a draft early next week that I will share with U guys. I think what he says is that the job I do still comes under what was filed in the labor but the title is different.
I do not understand what is he saying.....there is away or isn't there? I do not think it matters what is the title, as you were promoted and will be promotes in the future. it's the nature of business and I think they understand that.

Good luck, though!!!
try to get another attorney, maybe you can use AC21 for the same employer because your job description is still the same. Also you may ask your employer (if they are willing and helpful) to change your job title back to the one on the LC for few months, get the employment letter, and after you get your GC, get your job titled changed again. If the company you work for is small, they might do it. It is just the job title.

Please do post the draft that your attorney comes up with.
don't worry

I recently changed job and applied AC21. My title changed to. There is concept of internal title and common title. My lawyer mentioned that my title internally "something" but it maps to the common title of what mentioned in the labor. To day I got RFE on medical but not on employment.

I think your lawyer can do the same thing. For reality, how can be all companies will have same tile for same kind of job.

Hi Guys,

I spoke to my attorney and he should be sending the draft today. Yeah, he mentioned to me that he is going with an internal title that is substantially similar to the position for which the GC was filed.