Harrisburg SESA Tracker

Ugh.. nothin's movin at INS

This is really frustrating.. nothing seems to be moving. There are updates, but the dates still remain the same. I thought someone said that they have started processing Dec. applications.

Is there anyone who got their application moved from SESA to DOL recently. If yes, could they give the date of application and when it moved to DOL please.

Any improvement in sight ?

How is the going in Harrisburg ? It seems from the previous posts in this thread that things are at a standstill for sometime. Is it advisable to start labor process from here ? I have been told that Harrisburg is reliable -- minimum rejections/remands... is that true ?

Also, is there a possibility of the speed picking up any time soon ?

It Looks Like they closed SESA Office in Harrisburg, :(
Its Not moving at all from November 2002. May be we should an solution to this.Will it helpful if we give a call to them(first of all will they respond to phone call) or ask our companies to contact them why it got struck in Nov 2002?.

Hello harrisburg..., I saw your are posting in PHILY DOL thread, will you Pls update us if you case moved to DOL and when did it moved?It will helpful a lot to us and give us some hope.
No news!

Guys, any news!!

This thread is just as inactive as INS.. wonder whether people are getting SESA approvals or not.
nope, nothing here. i'm sure people will post here if their cases are transferred to Philly.

I have a receipt date of December 2nd at Harrisburg; still waiting.


I just received a notice from my employer stating that my case has been moved to Phily DOL.

This is the letter that the US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration sent to my attorney:
Date of Acceptance for Processing: February 26th 2003

Your Application for Alien Employment Certification filed on behalf of Mr.XXX was received on July 28th 2003

Current processing times at both the state and regional offices can be obtained by visiting our website ......
You can also check the status of your application by calling 215-861-5286. Your case identification number is : P2003-PA-********


Stephen W. Stefanko
Certifying Officer.


I am pretty new to this process and I hope that this is the relavent information.

My receipt date was Feb 19th 2003. I haven't heard anything so far. Still waiting............

Anyone else cases cleared in 2003??
GC-labour from Harisburg

My would be employer is filing my GC-labour from Harisburg in July'2003.

- What is the chances of getting laobr approved if filed
from Harisburg?
- How much time it takes in Harisburg for labor approval?
- Why it is slow in Harisburg?
- What is the chances of getting labor as future employee?

Please share the information.
GC-labor from Harisburg

Vijrek/NeedHelp1 -

My would be employer has filed my GC-labor from Harisburg in July2003. He is telling delay happened becuase of merge between Harisburg and Philadelphia SESA. My question is -
- What is the chances of getting GC-labor approval from
- How much time they are takin gin general for the approval.
- Any news about your case.

Please let me know. Good thread. Keep it alive


It looks atlast Harrisburg has got back to processing thier files instead of Philadelphia. Guys with dec'2002, please start posting when you hear that your file has moved to DOL. I hope harrisburg moves fast to become current like before. It is ironic that Philly is doing 3/2003 and harrisburg 12/2002.
DOL Web site still says 12/2002 as processing dates for Harrisburg and we see a Feb 2003 approval, What's happening in Harrrisburg SESA?
could be done soon

They may have taken the feb case earlier. But the good news still is that from 11/2002 it has finally moved to 12/2002 officially
State processed

Hi guys,
My reciept date in state is Dec'5th, 2002.
Today my attorney mentioned that my file is moved to Phyl last week.

Hope this helps others who are waiting.


that is good news


Thanks for the information. That gives a lot of hope for rest of us. Hope you get your approval soon. I think Philly DOL just take around 50-60 days these days.
Moved to DOL

Application Date : 9th Jan 2003
RECEIVED at PHILLY DOL : 15th Aug 2003
DOT CODE : 030-162-014
it's good to hear there's movement (this is sorta like the bowel movement of harrisburg, after a long period of you know what)

How do you get the case #? I am trying to check the system at philly by the employer phone #, but the system cannot locate the phone #. Is there any way to obtain the case # at this stage? We did not send a SASE to harrisburg for them to send to us when the file is sent to philly.

Another question is, when the file is processed, will it be sent to the employer, or to the employee's home address? If home, we have moved, how can I inform Philly about this, anybody know?
What do you mean by
"We did not send a SASE to harrisburg for them to send to us when the file is sent to philly."?????