happy- or Confused???


Registered Users (C)
case status update:

Husband (primary) approved jan 31st. - LUD on my case same day, no message change. Called customer service- was told to wait 30 days from spouse approval before launching case inquiry.

Got impatient and called today- followed details for possible separated case- got to TSC and the officer hmmmmed a bit on the phone- put me on hold and came back saying I was apporved. He told me to schedule infopass appointment for I-89. I questioned if they will process without a mailed approval- he said that the I-89 will kick out an approval??????

Now I am really confused. I noticed another thread recently with the same experience- but I cannot find it now. Is this for real????

BTW the message just says "the document based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly tot he person whom issued" - it has been this was since dec FP.

what do you guys think- dare I get my hopes up?
This is a standard msg USCIS updates for so many things....

1) They have approved your case and sent you letter of approval
2) Because you did called 800 number so they updated it with this message.
3) Sometime when USCIS send FP notice they update it with this message.

do not worry you may receive approval letter in mail, few ppl in this forum seen this message and got approval letter keep finger crossed....

good luck
to clarify- my case is not listed as approved- the online message is as above. It is the TSC officer who claims I am approved. He says the approval notice did not go out (didn't say why) but he said I need to get infopass and file I-89. I said that I did not think I could do this without an approval notce - he says this will generate one.

I do not think and approval is in tha mail as this message has been there for two months- the only mail I recieved was a copy of my finger print notice.

I am still confused-I emailed my attorney and he seems to think it has been approved too???

I think I will take curious geogres advice and call again- I am checking with attorney if he thinks this is a good idea
Hi jacquelina,

We are in the same boat.
I got approved on Sep-2004. My wife and kids are not yet.

So i initiated enquiry thr attorney. For that i got

Based on approval document is made....bla..bla...was shown online. But i never received any message from INS.

Based on my experience

it could be approval (Lastminute's experience)
it could be just a message for our enquiry saying that your case is pending bla..bla..(my experience).

So wait for some time.

The most important thing is check your address. They might have your old address. For me they have my 4 years old address. That's why i could not get the mail sent by INS. I have changed my address now. And waiting....
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Follow him, you are approved jacquelina, get infopass print it out the online status, and immidiately go to Local office, you would be very happy to see what and how they surprise u. :D

Good Luck
POJ- I hope you are right :)

well- I called again- my attorney said give it a try- and again they said I am approved- apaprently the same day as my husband. But she said there is no record of an approval notice being mailed-she said to get infopass and get stamped-even without a physical notice-she said the computer says I am approved so I am OK. I know other posters have been refused stamping without physical apporval so I don't know.

I am still not so sure and will wait to celebrate until I have the physical stamp in the passport. Of course infopass is busy right now so I will have to wait until after 5 pm. I am sort of in shock- and don't really trust it- but I will update if and when I get andy further along!!!!
jacquelina said:
POJ- I hope you are right :)
Of course infopass is busy right now so I will have to wait until after 5 pm.
I am sort of in shock- and don't really trust it- but I will update if and when I get andy further along!!!!

Experiencing infopass issue?
If you are using Internet Explorer, first thing delete 'Cookies' and clean cache files. by following "TOOLS" > "Internet Options" > "Delete Cookies"

and try again ....... :D

       __-----_.                        ______
       /  \      \           o  O  O   _(      )__
      /    |  |   \_---_   o._.      _(           )_        jacquelina
     |     |            \   | |""""(_   Let's see... )   You got Approval
     |     |             |@ | |    (_  485 status   _    Cake or Biryani?
      \___/   ___       /   | |      (__          _)   *
        \____(____\___/     | |         (________)     * *
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    _\_____________|_|_____||________|_      *                     *
   /                                   \        *               *
  /_____________________________________\         *     *     *
  /                                     \        *    *   *    *
 /_______________________________________\      *   *       *   *
 /                                       \     *  *           *  *
/_________________________________________\   * *               * *
     {                               }       *                     *
     |                               >
     {_______________________________|               ________
     <                               }              /        \
     |_______________________________|             /__________\
       \\/             \||//           |//                       \|/    |/
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thanks POJ- I'm still trying to get one- should be soon.

And I think I will go for the Biryani - your cakes are wonderful, but nothing beats good Indian food :)
                 sssssssssssssssssssssss   Is it Approval or
                sssssssssssssssssssssssss    Is it??? or          :)
        /\     sssssssssssssssssssssssssss       Is it????  /\
      \~  ~/  ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss                \~  ~/
       |/\|   sssss/sssssss/s|s|s|sss/ssss                 |/\|
             /s\|s|s/                sssss\s\     Should I have Cake?
             sssssss   (")      (")   ssssss/           Or
             \ssssss:::     qp     :::ssssss       Biryani...ummmm
        qqqqqqqqq\sss::            ::sss/ppppppppp  Cake ...Biryani??
          qqqqqqqqq\sss     ~~     sss/ppppppppp  Can I have both plz?
   /\        qqqqqqqq/%%%\:::::::::|%\ppppppp
 \~  ~/       qqqqqqq|%%%%\::/||\::|%%|ppppp
  |/\|          qqqqq|%%%%%%| || |%%%%|ppp
                  qqq/\%%%%%| || |%%%%|pp           /\
                    /::\%%%%/~::~\%%%/:\          \~  ~/
                   /:::::\%/::::::\%/:::\          |/\|
                 /::::::::::::::::::::::::\   Meee Confuggggg
               |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|  jacque....
            |::\~  ~/::::/\::::::/\::::\~  ~/::|
         {~~|:::|/\|:::\~  ~/::\~  ~/:::|/\|:::|
       {~~  |:::::::::::|/\|::::|/\|:::::::::::|~~~}
     {~~~~   \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/     ~~~~}
 {~~~     ~        \::::::::::::::::::::/   ~~~~~}       ~~~}
 {          {      (======)      (======)         ~~~~      }
Hi POJ and jacquelina,

You guys disturbed me a lot (talking about Biryani). I took off in the office and rushing to Chettinad Restaurent in Dallas for Biryani. :D
UnFort_User said:
Hi POJ and jacquelina,

You guys disturbed me a lot (talking about Biryani). I took off in the office and rushing to Chettinad Restaurent in Dallas for Biryani. :D

Sureeeee Join us plzzzzzzzzzzzzz. anyone else ? :D

               ____            _\/ o o \/_______
              /    \__ Biryani  /\__^__/\     _ \
  |\         /    @   \             \ _/ ___ (  \ \  Biryani     UnFort
  \ \_______|    \  .:|              (__/  (__ /  \|    /\ _ /\          |
   \      ##|    | \__/    /\___/\                     |  0 0  |-------\==
    |    ####\__/   \     /       \- Meow!              \==@==/\  ____\ |
    /  /  ##       \|    l  u   u  l          Biryani    \_-_/  ||     ||
   /  /__________\  \  --l----*----l--     .-"-.
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                                        Biryani    ==/___) ||     || (___\===
                   )        \ \        jacquelina
 \   Ummm Yamiiii  /          \ \       /\_____/\         |\_/|
  \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /         ___) )     /  o   o  \        | @ @   Woof! Biryani
       (__)_     ____      /     \    ( ==  ^  == )       |   <>              _
          (_)o  /   | \--._)     /     )         (        |  _/\------____ ((| |
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  /Biryani\  /      | | __ \  /_) \  ( (  )   (  ) )  ____|_       ___|   |___.'
 /_ _______\(_)_____|_|(____)(_____)(__(__)___(__)__)/_/_____/____/_______|
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