Happy New Year to yitizhu and eb1tsc

sxh, thank you. Wish you get your approval soon.

I am attending an international confernece in Las Vegas at the moment. I volunteered as an organizing committee member and a session chair one year ago to strengthen my EB1-OR application. I got my EB1-OR approval more than two months ago and I am looking forward to chairing my session. Life can not be better.

I met a German friend who used to work together with me in the same lab. He just got his EB1-OR approval and told me that he "volunteered" as an associate editor of a journal in our field and this helped him a lot with his EB1.

Guys, do not give up and do not rush. Best wishes.
eb1tsc, how did you present your evidence?


For those session chairs, reviewers etc that you volunteered, how
do you present these evidences? For example, if you volunteered to
be a reviewer and the editor agreed in his email. So the only
evidence is the email. If you present your email, INS will know
that you actually volunteered, not invited. Would it be OK?


I used an email as the evidence of session chair

At the beginning of conference planning, there were no any publications about the conference. After the technical chair of the conference accepted me as a session chair, I drafted a short email saying that this is an official notice ..., and welcome on board, ... and they appreciate my contribution to the conference and society. At the end, you should have the contact info. Then I asked the technical chair to email the same message back to me.

After I reviewed one paper, I got an acknowledge letter from the editor of journal showing appreciation of my contribution and my effort to maintain the high standard of the journal. Hope this helps.
sxh and eb1tsc, did you apply for EB1-OR by youself?

Hi, I am wondering did you do these all by yourself without a lawyer?
If this is the case, why your employer didn\'t offer help? like paying the lawyer fees...
You can\'t count on a lawyer

For EB1-OR, My company will sponsor my petition and I can only use company attained lawyer, that is, even I want to hire a layer at my own cost, my company will not cooperate! I can\'t believe it! So I have to use my company\'s lawyer, no matter he is good or bad! I have to work very hard myself: You can\'t count on a lawyer
you are right, you cannot count .

You need to work hard yourself; check everything very carefully yourself before your petition is sent out.